Monday, May 16, 2011

Operation: DREAM EATER

As the beauty and tranquility that is summer looms over the horizon, I couldn't help but look back at what I did for myself in the past three summer vacations. My answer was "nothing (self-worthwile)," and so I figured I needed to get something done.

Back in those summers, when I had projects I wanted finished, they all ended up falling apart for one reason or another. Work got in the way, I decided to procrastinate until autumn, the project became disinteresting, I lacked the determination and moral support.

*Eisenhower accent* But this is year 2011! Much has happened since the apathetic triumphs of 2007-10!*
This year, I know I can do this all. Not just because I'm more empowered with more optimism and self-worth, mind you. No... I have more at my side now. Surely there's no way I can be defeated!

And so it is: The White Knight's metaphorical high command has declared summertime as a campaign to denounce the evils of truth and love extend our reach to the stars above end this stalemate and triumph over my lack of willpower to do stuff!**


* = A bit of a homage to Eisenhower's D-Day speech back in 1944.

* = No, the crossed-out stuff isn't a Team Rocket reference at all. Noooooooope. =P

KCE Japan Sound Team - "Encounter"
Metal Gear Solid Original Game Soundtrack

Every fan of Metal Gear Solid knows this track by heart, because we all know that the tension that builds up the moment you get caught hits us like a brick wall. This track captures that feeling perfectly.

Since I need to build up energy to finish all this, I figured this would be perfect.

TeddyLoid - "Dancefloor Orgy"
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt: The Original Soundtrack

This track just happens to have a versatile sound to it - I can use it as background music for combat sequences, street racing, ambient working music, etc.

In today's case, it's being used as warm-up music. And not the physical workout kind of warm-up, mind you (though "Dancefloor Orgy" would probably work as well for that).

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men - for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."
- T. E. Lawrence

I think it's time I switch from nocturnal dreaming to diurnal dreaming, then...

Hello, ladies and gentlemen who read this blog. Today's a decently sunny day - and I'm not talking about the weather.

Last night I went to sleep early due to a long and tiring day at work. We're talking at around midnight, which - when you look at a night owl such as myself - is very early.
I had this weird dream involving a spotlight-lit podium on an outdoor stage, me in a dashing suit accepting a golden trophy of some kind, a crisp Californian sunset with a nice, cool summer breeze, and a crowd of people (a good portion of them people I know) giving me a standing ovation.
I woke up feeling both perplexed and well-rested, so (after ten minutes of just lying in bed,) I immediately got up to contemplate the meaning behind this bizarre dream.

Alas, in typical "me" fashion, I ended up sidetracking and worked on improving the look of this blog (longtime readers will see the changes - somewhat better-looking, right? =D).
As I finished with that, I realized something: I had unwittingly began working on a task I wanted complete months ago but never got around to doing.

That got me thinking... I had other projects I wanted finished sometime decently soon, but I never actually did any of them. I blamed my procrastination and my apathy, but I don't know about this year... I'm feeling good.*

So, inspired by the changes I made to the look of this blog, I ended up working on something new: a giant project that would oversee and aid in the completion of some of the projects I had cast aside on the backburner.

* = As I get distracted easily, some will say that I'm in danger of running this campaign and not achieving any of it. While this may be true, I actually foresee an advantage with this ADHD-seque behavior of mine - I'll end up focusing on different fronts without actually exerting myself. Since I'll end up leaving a task due to boredom, I'll hit a new project feeling refreshed (because surely this task at hand won't bore me this time!)

Enter "Operation: DREAM EATER."

Now, some of you may be wondering what the objectives of this operation are, but I'm sure there's at least one of you who cast a raised eyebrow upon reading the name of today's entry. So, first things first: the meaning behind the name.

As this newfound inspiration came from that weird-yet-awesome dream of mine, I figured I'd pay it a bit of tribute, so that explains the "DREAM."
As I wanted to make sure I had this idea of ideas in my system, I figured I'd lock it down in my mind. And to make sure my brain ate this idea up with gusto, I decided upon the second half of this operation: "EATER."

Now, in Pokémon, there is a Psychic attack called Dream Eater. Upon its use on a sleeping target, it devours the sleeper's dream and restores the user's HP by an amount equal to what was consumed. Yes, I wholly intended this reference with the mission name.

Coincidentally, "DREAM EATER" sounds like the code name for another tactical mission - one I happen to know quite well. =3

Now the second half: the objectives. It's quite simple, really: complete the projects I set for myself before summer officially ends. That calendar date is Friday, September 23.

Of course, what projects are they? They vary in task and entertainment, but they all have some sort of value.

  • find the "perfect" look for this blog
  • get Gefallen (US-Tichondrius - Human Rogue) to Lv85 and figure out a workable Combat PvP spec
  • get Chariselle (US-Ravenholdt - Blood Elf Paladin) geared for end-game PvE raiding
  • finish the first 30 pages of a new screenplay
  • work on and complete the next chapter of my Street Fighter fanfic Unincorporated
  • begin and complete Radiant Historia (NDS)
  • lose some weight / get more fit
  • write a poem
  • work out and organize the rough basics of an epic roadtrip I want to take next year
  • clean my room and maintain its cleanliness
  • complete at least 50% of a cosplay outfit of my choice

Now, as I have work soon, I don't have the time to explain the details of these 11 projects, but that's what tomorrow's entry will explain. Hopefully I've garnered some interest (and later: potential support) amongst you all.

Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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