Thursday, July 28, 2011

Three-Dimensional Moon Building

Today's title corresponds with the three things I'll be talking about in this entry. For once, it's also in consecutive order, as well. Enjoy that while it lasts.

I honestly don't have much to say today. It's just one of those days where I felt like relaxing before work. Sure enough, I did. So, to make up for today's apparent lack of text, here's some other text (and pictures!) to make up for it.

3DS Price Drop! WHAAA!?
(So, who wants a 3DS now? =D)

So apparently Nintendo suffering a bit of a financial loss right now. Blame it on whatever you want - a weak yen, the fact that Sony's releasing their new handheld next year, the fact that adults still think Nintendo's a kid/family-only company, blah blah.

To help cut their losses, they're offering to lower the price of the Nintendo 3DS from its original $249.99 USD to about $169.99 USD. They expect this price drop to hit stateside at Friday, August 12.

If you've been on the fence about getting this crazy handheld, maybe now's the time to reconsider. Hehehe.

(Do I feel bad about buying one at launch for $249.99 USD? Eh. A tiiiiiiny bit, but I love Nintendo anyway.)

In the Name of the Moon!
(Three guesses as to what this section's going to talk about...)

So I've been watching a lot of Sailor Moon lately. I said a long while back that I put the magical girl series on my "to watch" list, and most people that talked to me about that assumed I was joking.

I don't joke.

Anyway, due to the conversations my friend from work and I keep having about Sailor Moon (and one random piece of fan-art she slapped on Facebook)[1], I ended up living to my word and began watching the series a few days ago.

I'm currently on episode 30 of the first season, and surprisingly, I'm enjoying it. No, I'm still not handing over my man card.

Lego Wars
(Or: pics of my toys. With me as a Lego dude as well.)

(Author's Note: This section has been exposed to a large dose of my overactive imagination. You have been warned.)

I love Legos. They've been a very fun toy to screw around with and have fun building with since I was a child. Hell, lots of us have played with the amazing plastic building blocks at least once, and we all look fondly back at those experiences.[2]

Remember on Tuesday how I said I was hanging out with my friend? Well... it was because I went spelunking in my storage unit the other day and I broke out the containers and boxes of Legos I had inside. Yes. Two (make that three - her friend came along as well) grown twenty-somethings... playing with Legos. Tell me that doesn't sound age-appropriate at all. *snerk*

We spent the afternoon building up an army and bases and what not, and we even came up with names for our factions. They were the rag-tag "Rebel Neo-Nazi Alliance" (they wanted to come up with the most ironic evil-sounding name for a protagonist force, of all things) and I was the highly-trained "Free Republic Empire" (...yeah, I can't think of cool-sounding things on-the-spot), and to sum up what happened... my invading army lost. I... don't know how. I reviewed the tape I made of it (thank you, smart phones), and I still can't figure it out.

Three of my army's commanders reviewing the battle plan with a giant cashew for breakfast.
And yes, Prince Zuko of Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of them.
I had my generals plan this attack efficiently.

One of my latest creations as of today: a self-propelled artillery gun.
I don't think the picture does it justice - it's a nice model IMO.
I had the firepower.

Two soldiers prepare to fire a mortar at the enemy they faced.
I had the well-trained army of experienced soldiers.

The ladies' fortified... base? They decided that plastic wrap would act as a force field.
Little did I know that that idea would actually work...
Their base was lightly defended. (It looked lightly defended.)

Casualties were heavy on both sides. Here we have one of my soldiers bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound in the gut as the medics prepare to evacuate him.
And yet I LOST!?

Made this this morning. Yes, those are all Lego pieces. No, nothing was modified.
Yes, this minifig of myself is BADASS. =D
I KNEW I should have suited up for battle instead of possessing an overhead view and commanding my soldiers... but eh. There's always a next time. Besides, we had fun.

The three twenty-somethings - as Lego mini-figs. I'm the guy on the left.
Trust me when I say: when you make a Lego version of yourself, it can be fun, too.

If you dare to say otherwise, then...
A modified tank turret - with the commander in ceremonial armor staring you down with the main gun. will be dealt with swiftly. Hehehe.


1 ^ [In the Name of the Moon]
What the Sailor Scouts would potentially look like if they were male... o.O
THIS is the aforementioned piece of fanart. Said friend decided she'd have a little fun and tag me and a bunch of our fellow co-workers on Facebook on this image (I ended up being Sailor Mercury). Sadly, the original artist is no longer on deviantArt. Shame - I thought it was a pretty well-made piece. And obviously, this isn't my work (as the watermarks on the corners obviously stipulate).

2 ^ [Lego Wars] Well, not the times we've stepped on them. For little pieces, they sure hurt like a bitch, don't they? *cringes*

Well, that about wraps things up here. I'll catch y'all tomorrow!


  1. This is such an odd mash up of topics. I think playing army makes up for girly anime- so keep your man card. But I think your adult card may be at stake - assuming you didn't trade it for a loly-pop years ago.

  2. The 3DS is getting its price cut because it failed horribly as a handheld. Look at its sales and the sales for its games.
