Sunday, July 17, 2011


After a fun day spent sorting music, hanging out with relatives and preparing for tomorrow, I'm quite spent. As much as I'd love to put something big for today, I just lack the mental stamina to do so at this time.

Story of my life, isn't it? Heh. Well, if anything, this lets you know that I'm still one for one for the whole "365 Days, 365 Blogs" thing.

I got a long day tomorrow with lots of work to do, but "fortunately," it's not actual work - in other words, I'm not going to my job because I'm not scheduled until Wednesday. I think I'm okay with that - it lets me catch up on some things (like Operation: DREAM EATER, maybe?) and at the same time I can relax a bit more.

Tomorrow I'll definitely have something decent on here - I obviously have to tell more about this supposed "Filipino Con 2011" thing from yesterday, and I need to explain other things as well. For now, I think I'll let sleep claim me. I'm sure my dreams will compose all the thoughts into one well-scripted steak as the past events of this weekend and the events yet to occur marinate said metaphorical steak.

Night-night, y'all. Tomorrow's steak entry will be quite juicy juicy (...huh, maybe I didn't need to cross that out). I'll... see you... to...mor... *zzz*

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