Sunday, July 31, 2011

Burger Experimentation

Every once in a while I get in that sort-of zone where I feel like challenging myself to something ridiculous - even when nobody is presenting me with a challenge. Today - well, tonight, rather - is one of those times. One of my good friends is flying in from Japan tomorrow morning, and my friends and I will be driving down to Los Angeles International Airport at 0715ish to pick him up. I figured that between work and some other things I wanted to do afterwards, getting sleep would be pointless. Thus, I concluded to myself earlier today I'd be pulling an all-nighter.

That's not the challenge, however. I had a thought a few hours beforehand on whether or not the whole "food tastes better after midnight" theory was just a placebo effect or if it was a reality. Yeah, I know - some challenge, right?

Either way, I'm prepared to conduct this little experiment. After I got off work, I went to In-N-Out and ordered two Double-Doubles (Animal-style, no pickles or tomatoes) and an Arnold Palmer. Roughly 20 minutes ago I downed a Double-Double and half of the Palmer, and it was de-lish. Now I'm waiting until midnight to eat the remaining burger and drink to see if it tastes better than its earlier-consumed counterpart.

*checks watch*

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