Friday, July 15, 2011

High Rollin' Socialite

Three words crossed my mind as I woke up to post today's entry:
PAY DAY, BITCHES! *insert war cry here*

"Wait, Josh; wasn't today the start of your fantastic few days off or something?" I hear some of you asking. My response: "Eh. I can talk about that later." *smiles evilly as he preps for the day*

Hideyuki Fukasawa - "Drive-In at Night Stage (USA)"
Street Fighter IV Original Soundtrack

This track works as excellent backing music for any homemade movie involving a trip to Las Vegas* or a montage sequence for someone winning in a tournament**.

* = Reno, Monte Carlo, and just about every casino out there doesn't cut it - the bass is basically like staring at all the neon, and since most other casino locales don't have much to offer in terms of neon signage... Vegas it is.

** = The way I'd see it for movie usage? Simple - most movies and TV shows following a protagonist through some kind of tournament will usually adhere to the following timeline:
  • show the first match and the trials the protagonist(s) endure there; eventually show them winning
  • montage sequence of protagonist(s) winning other fights [along with footage of (potential) rival teams and/or antagonist(s)'(s) matches]
  • semi-final competition; protagonist(s) usually get by with some kind of miracle win
  • finals (oftentimes with the antagonist)
  • (optional: sudden death)
DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story follows this quite well to the point where I'd cite it as an example of the timeline. Anyway, the "montage" part - play "Drive-In at Night Stage (USA)" there. Works like a charm.

Mattias Häggström Gerdt and GSlicer - "Casino Lounge (Goldenrod Game Corner)"
Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks

Another track from the Pokémon-themed soundtrack from OverClocked Remix... I like it.

This time, rather than some eerie rendition of the Viridian Forest music I talked about two days ago, I'll instead focus on a pretty cool rendition of Gold/Silver/Crystal Version's Goldenrod City Game Corner (known to the PokéRadio fans as the music for the Lucky Channel).

I'll be honest: I SUCKED at the Game Corner. Like all real-life casinos, it's a huge financial sinkhole if luck is not on your side (and more often than not: it isn't). However, that didn't stop us trainers from visiting the place once in a while and gambling our in-game money away. We felt like winners every time we walked out of there, regardless of our gains (if any) or losses.

While "Drive-In at Night Stage (USA)" is perfect for that panoramic shot of Las Vegas or any casino in general, "Casino Lounge (Goldenrod Game Corner)" seems to be perfect for footage inside a gambling arena - and maybe a few games of blackjack or craps or whatever suits your fancy.

This is going to be playing in my car all day, and I am going to love every single second of it.

Eun Ji Won - "Adios (f. Mr. Tyfoon)"
Love, Death, Introspection

Now, don't be fooled by the sound of this song. It sounds like something you'd hear in Spain, but trust me when I say: it's Korean hip hop. Baffled? I was too when I first heard this song years ago. My God, though... it's awesome. In typical "American" fashion, I don't know much of the lyrics (the only word I know in Korean would be anything involving "kimchi"), but thanks to subtitles and the wonders that is interspersing both Spanish and English in a Korean song (wat.), I'm able to see it some kind of song where a girl left the singer. (Yay for songs whose meanings don't match with the tone of the song! =D)

For some reason, I'm inspired to learn how to flamenco dance every time I hear this song. It's partially due to that guitar, and it's also due to the flamenco dancers in the background of the music video. (At least I think it's flamenco... please correct me if I'm mistaken.)

"A man needs his rest."
- Iroh
(Avatar: The Last Airbender)

This quote holds so true for me right now. After six days, I do need my rest. And what better way to rest than by not working and hanging out with lots and lots of people in multiple pre-planned events? I just high roll like that.

Seriously, though, this is great advice for anyone who seems to be overexerting themselves. I've been guilty of overexertion before, and it's not fun. You end up withering to a husk and go on autopilot, usually biting angrily at anyone telling you to stop and relax.

So, if you or someone you know looks to be physically and mentally exhausted, tell them this. They may be like Zuko at the start of season one and dismiss it as hogwash, but eventually they'll succumb to their fatigue and listen to you.

If only I had listened to this before when I was told this...

Hello, readers, and welcome to today's edition of The White Knight Chronicles!

Unfortunately, as I have a very busy day/afternoon/evening/night ahead of me, I'll have to be quick and to-the-point for today's entry.

After a grueling six days of arduous work, a much-needed "vacation" is finally upon me. It's a great feeling to finally have a day off to relax, have fun, chow on lots and lots of grub, hang out with people, and (most importantly of all,) get away from doing anything productive that I consider "productive." (I thank hedonism. It's fun! *thumbs up*)

So what do I have planned for today and tonight that caused me to detract from this entry to a point? (Look at the pre-blog things; lots of it, huh?)

Well, for starters, I came back from a sushi day with a few friends and had a lot of fun (as well as a lot of sushi), and now I feel all bloated and ready to quit on food. Unfortunately, that is not the case for tonight - in several hours, I'll be meeting up with some relatives for a dinner-fest of their own (if we go to a buffet, I think I'll only be able to handle a salad and some Jell-O) and a sort-of reunion. And then after that I'll be heading off with some of my work friends for some MOAR FOODZ and FUN TIEMS in our pseudo-first get-together-thingy-thing.

Lots of things, lots of social gatherings, lots of people to say hi to and catch up on, lots of grub, lots of time spent not working. Makes me feel kind of like a socialite in a way - not the "famous for being famous" kind of socialite, mind you, but someone who knows a lot of people and goes hanging out with said people (if possible, in high(er)-class venues).

Being that it's also pay day, it means I can afford this somewhat. By that I mean I allotted my remaining expenses after bills to this. Whoo. I'll be broke for, like, two weeks, but I think it'll be worth it to have one awesome day of... well, awesome.

So until the 'morrow, my friends - food, fun and friends await! *drives off*

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