Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cleansing Discovery

So much work before work... if that makes any sense. It doesn't? Eh. Get used to it.

I've been doing some extensive sorting on stuff I have interred in my room. Things I don't need, things I do, things that entertain me, things that don't, things that - if sold - could net me money, things I should just toss. It's taxing for a packrat like myself, but in the end, the room begins to look... well... cleaner than it was.

Of course, you find things along the way you forgot about long ago - unused Legos, an old ID, past debit cards long since expired, posters you want to suddenly hang up on the wall - stuff like that. So when I'm done cleaning, I'm gonna go through all this. There's bound to be something awesome amidst this.

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