Tuesday, July 26, 2011

White Knight Live: Some Beach (Road)

I know that the people who read this (tiny) blog of mine are asking what's with the sudden decreas of typed verbal output. Maybe a few of you are questioning why I've been doing nothing but work, work and more work.

Then there's that person wondering what the hell I'm doing this close to an open body of water.

To answe that last question (and only the last question) I shall simply say: a friend and I made plans, but after I got lost and part of our plans went FUBAR, we agreed to make this the impromptu meeting spot until we figure something out.

To be frank, I'm not a huge fan of the beach. It's too warm in the day and too freezing at night. I can't cool off in the water due to a lack of swim apparel and the more-important fact that I can't swim. Plus, I've never been physically fit enough to sport anything that would make me awesome-looking. (Yeah, I'm self-conscious. Bite me.)

But every once in a while, the weather's nice enough to warrant a trip regardless. That crisp, salty breeze... the soothing sound of the tide lapping the shoreline...

*clears throat*

Well, it's a nice day. I'm gonna go back to getting some sun while I wait for my friend. Until the 'morrow, readers!

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