Saturday, July 9, 2011

Energy Out of Lethargy

I seriously hate how much the heat drains away the will to do anything. Far too much energy is consumed by more... "prioritizing" matters, such as staying cool. As such, I've done the same. There's a few things I would like to say, but unfortunately I lack the stamina to stay on my laptop long enough to compose it all.

Maybe I should type my summer posts at nighttime, huh? Might help with my chances.

Anyway, this is going to be an interesting week that comes up. I have a lot planned at the end of next week, but before I get there I have to grind through six non-stop days of work. With today being day one, I have to make sure I go in with my head held high and spirit in an upbeat demeanor, but at the same time exert as little energy as possible so when the time comes where I need to pull on through, I have the energy to do so.

Of course, the heat doesn't help any - despite getting myself a bit recharged with my day off yesterday (a Friday off for me? Surprising, I know...), it wasn't to optimum levels, and with the weather being how it is... I'm going to be working with a very limited resource pool that needs to be stretched to accommodate this upcoming string of workdays.

A challenge, but hey - I volunteered for it. In order to make sure my hours were still great I volunteered any remaining days off I potentially had to be forsaken in the name of money. Sounds greedy, heartless and psychologically taxing, I know - but right now, it's the only way to survive in this greedy, warped excuse of a planet. (Let's not debate on what makes the world go 'round; I don't have the mental stamina to argue with y'all. Stupid heat. -.-)

So, you go celebrate on how I posted for today. I'll just eat this nice, cold yogurt before I clock in for work.

Day one... *snaps fingers as the camera cuts to black*

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