Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Afternoon, everyone. How are you all?

Well, if you're going to wonder how I'm doing, I'm okay. Physically, I'm tired as hell - running when you haven't done any strenuous physical activity in a long time can easily take its toll on someone who's not in shape. But as the cliché goes: "no pain, no gain."

Today's the first day back into work after having five straight days off. Five very fun, exciting and straining days off. Despite how contradictory that sounds, I'd prefer a situation like that, because while I might be physically exhausted, it's recharged my mind and got me psychologically fit and ready to handle what's thrown my way today and... well, probably the rest of the week.

I got an interesting feeling about tonight. I can't quite place my finger on it, but I'm picking up some kind of vibrant, positive aura. Yeah, go ahead and start calling me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that's the tone of energy I'm picking up. I'm sure of it... just as sure as I am capable of picking up these waves of metaphysical energy.

Maybe something really fun will occur while I close at Target tonight. Could I meet someone at work tonight who will make a positive dramatic impact in my life sometime in the near future? Maybe I'll stumble across a $20 bill on the street while I get gas for my car? Perhaps a bunch of my friends who don't really read my blog will stumble across yesterday's entry and the "Ask The White Knight" page and feel intrigued to leave a question/comment/concern? Maybe I have a romantic moment with a lovely girl? Spiritual enlightenment? The retconning of the Star Wars prequels? A combination of any or all of those?

Who knows? Today the world feels like my oyster. I'm going to seize the day and take the wheel. Other cliché statements of optimism and self-empowerment here. *shrugs*

Eh. Only time will tell. Until the 'morrow, readers!

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