Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Guide to My Tags

After coming home from the local Applebee's* and watching Futurama: Bender's Game with my friends, I sat down, inspired to work on this blog a bit. I wrote up some HTML and researched a few more basic things I got rusty on and after a night's "rest" and some morning editing, I now present you with...

"The Tags Guide"

By now I'm sure you've noticed the tags list on the right side of the blog. You clicked one of those and bam! - you were given a list of blogs that I felt consisted of whatever you clicked. Of course, some of you may be confused as to why something is marked so or what the tag even means. As such I created this handy page to explain in detail what all those little tags mean to me.

It's educational and silly at the same time! What more could you want?

* = From here on out, all references to the local Applebee's near me will be referred to as "The Club" from now on. It's an inside joke developed from the fact that every time my friends and I have been there, the music (particularly the bass) just gives the restaurant an additional "club" atmosphere.

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