Friday, July 29, 2011

Updating Updates

Not much to talk about today. I'm just being straightforward.

Kristopher Carter - "Batman Beyond (Main Title)"
Batman Beyond ~ The Original Television Score

I remember as a kid how much I watched this show. I mean, it's Batman - the only DC Comics character I recognize and know a decent amount of backstory for. Throw a new Batman, the future and a darker storyline into the mix and you got a series that got my attention and wanted me to sit down for the whole shebang.

The music was just amazing, too - an industrial-esque sound to match the "new"-ness of Neo-Gotham. "Batman Beyond (Main Title)" fit perfectly with the spinoff's opening sequence. Maybe too well. That guitar riff (as well as the entire opening) just brings me back to my childhood. Before the dark times... before the Empire. before it was disrupted by events I wish not to talk about here until I feel it necessary. And before the Empire.

Seether - "Fake It"
Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces

First Seether song I heard. Can't remember where exactly, but I liked the sound of it. The lyrics don't really require much explanation - the meaning of pretending to be who you're not is pretty much up-front and there. Fun song to sing along with, too.

So I don't have much on my plate for today apart from work and all work-related things I have to deal with. My process of archiving all my blog entries is finally finished, so that makes me really, really happy that I don't have to do that anymore.

It's gotten me inspired to work on some of the other pages I have on here. With some of the new tags I've created, I know that I need to work on my "About Me" (that page looks horrendous IMO). "The Tags Guide" needs to have a few new tags thrown on it, and I'm very certain my infamous "Hate List" requires some updating (I encountered a few things that need to be changed).

Much to my surprise, yesterday's "mash-up" of an entry garnered some attention, so I know that my readers deserve to be listened to. I'll respond to stuff tomorrow. I promise. Which reminds me... if you want me to respond to a question, comment or concern of yours... you should "Ask The White Knight" about it.

I think that concludes my blatant attempt at self-advertisement. Ahehehe... I'll... just get to work on updating the pages now... ...yeaaaaah... *awkwardly shuffles away*

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