Thursday, May 10, 2012

What a Trip

So I decided to go ahead and let one of my friends try typing part of today's entry. I, uh... don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I took a little too much wine. Damn my Asian genes and their inability to handle the alcohol. LAAAAME.

Anyway, my friend pushed me aside while I was typing this out, and this is what resulted...

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Hey, so whitey doesn't feel like writing today cause he's a bitch so now im writing for him. not quite sure what to write about because i don't have enough alcohol in my system. so leeme drink a little bit to help calm my nervous...or something. i'll be back in a little bit.........

Alcohol is great. my face is warm and whitey's drunk as a rock. i'll steal his wallet later. or now. lets see what we;ve got......multiple fast food receipts.....nah, no need to aquire all this debt......but anyway, onto this blog thing.

man, i really wanna go Go-Karting. i had a hard time sleeping last night because i just had it in my head the entire time. Its been so long since i went last, but it was such a shitty experience that it really turned me off. but i figure if i go sooner, then there will be less people and less stupid people. plus i hear that the track changed so itll be a different but hopefully better experience.


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*clears throat*

Anyway, moving aside. Er, along. Moving along.

Then I decided to turn my mind off for some reason. I think I did that by watching random YouTube videos (about three-fiddy of 'em or so) and drinking more wine (y'know... because that toally is going to help me out with getting my one thousand words for tonight's... uhm... entry. I, uh... I got sloshed. Not really. Not sure. I don't even know. I"m just typing random things here. WHEEEEeeeeheheeee.

Sasori High School is a school of distinguished students and faculty. It sits on top of a quaint, rounded hill overlooking the outlying suburbs to its north and east while an air force base sits a mile away to its south. It accommodates over 2500 students, has a 100-strong faculty, and maintains a very high API score that most other schools across the United States fail to reach.

Well, Sasori used to have all that. With the entire concrete/brick-formed campus now either in flames or reduced to powdery rubble, there was little chance of the school to be able to hold up its reputation. If one were to take a quick glance at the grounds as is, they would have thought Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” came to life.

Seventeen-year-old Jacob Luzon found himself sitting with his back on the remainder of a brick wall. Just hours ago that barrier separated the open-air hall from his journalism class. He looked at his surroundings – plaster, concrete, steel, glass, and various ruffled papers strewn all around, caked with a fine layer of dirt. There was a crackling sound behind him – the sound of a burning and dying fire. Apart from that, there was an eerie silence draping the immediate area around him. All of it made him feel at edge, tense and wary of anything that could happen right then and there.

And then he heard it: the sound of a person stepping on broken glass. He quickly turned his head towards the footstep and breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the familiar face of a girl looking at him intently.

Rex tremendae majestatis,
qui salvandos savas gratis,
salve me, fons pietatis.

Calculator Phone # Trick

1.) Take 1st 3 #s of your phone # (NOT area code)
2.) Multiply by 80
3.) Add 1
4.) Multiply by 250
5.) Add the last 4 #s of your phone #
6.) Do it again
7.) Subtract 250
8.) Divide by 2

Season 1: “Heroes & Zeroes”
Episode 0: “Not Really Coming Soon”



MICHAEL looks at FRANK in fear.

FRANK: [despisingly]
You piece of shit. [hits MICHAEL with a blunt object – possibly a bat]

Once again, I have awaken in this dark hell. For some strange reason I am still here.
Only this time, I am numb.
No trickling blood, No throbbing pain, No moisture on my body.
The candle has been diminished to nothing.
No light is left for comfort.
My body lies in a pool of blood on what was once the cleanest floor I had ever seen.
Though my body may be useless, I am still trapped.
My spirit is still Embraced Forever.

Surprisingly, I've been up since about 24 hours ago, and at a time in which people's brains shut down, mine has been spinning its cogs trying to make things right...


If you thought this was a link to tell y'all of a blog... it ain't. (YET.)
However, I will post events up here later.

Just wanted to say a few things that I kinda need to get off my chest...

- Music (to me, at least) seems to play faster and harder during the night.
No, I don't think it has to be 4 A.M. or anything. Just wait 'til... like, midnight, or one in the morning... and play something that's normally fast/upbeat. Stuff you'd hear in nightclubs are the ones usually affected, although I got other stuff that got faster as well. ("Rock Solid" got even more faster, harder, and totally more badass-sounding because of this weird thing... lol)

- I've reawakened my Fan-Fic side again.
And about damn time, too. Sadly, no - I'm not going off hiatus yet... ...just reading fics...

- I've forgotten how much I'm a sucker for a good romance/romantic comedy/romantic dramedy fan-fic.
Yeah, laugh all you want if you think all that's (insert insultive adjective of your choice), but I happen to enjoy this stuff.
If it's got a great plot, and a pairing I'm content with (or preferably: one I'm a fan of), and if it's got some good dramatic moments I'll settle down for a good read.
(Silentshipping fics are the ones that really lure me in, though. Possibly because of the contrasts...? I dunno.)

The lesson of today's story? Uhm... I totally don't even remember?

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