Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Start of the Unknown

I took a break from work earlier today, and I saw something that I haven't really seen in ages: the sunset.

This wasn't taken today, but you know what? I don't care; it's a sunset. Y'all best be happy.
As the dusk approached me, I realized that I was at work. I realized a lot of things:
  • There is only one more month between us and the apocalypse 2013.
  • I haven't posted anything good here in a while.
  • I should watch things I haven't watched before.
So, let's see what I need to do this December... this last month of what has turned out to be an interesting year. Let's see what needs to be done before all of mankind 2012 ends for us...


Yeah. It's on in the break room right now. I was typing this entry up during my lunch, and let's just say that the awesome Pixar movie was distracting me - SQUIRREL!!!

Welcome to December, everyone. As I'm multi-tasking between Up, hanging out with awesome people, and eating some din-din, I'll keep this brief. Here's a few things to expect:

Guess who's back?
- awesome(r) photographs

I found my camera! Happy Josh is happy.

Two more levels... two more levels...
- roleplaying stories

I think I fleshed out a good portion of Gef's story...

Look at Chari kicking ass and taking loot.
- silly video game antics

Because the inner gamer in me is demanding more World of Warcraft time...

- and other things I haven't listed

Because I'm too lazy to write any more running out of time to type.

Well, I'll give you something to read tomorrow! Until then!

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