Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Cousin to Save the Entry

Some days, you just have to wonder: what am I going to do... today?

Satoru Kousaki - "Nagato vs Asakura"
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Soundtrack 02 & Radio Bangumi 03

Battle music has a way of getting me pumped up and ready to kick some tail - whether it be in a physical fight between me and something I have to get done, or a video game brawl where everything is on the line. Depending on what instruments are used and how fast the tempo is, the music can speak of any situation. It could be an encroaching defeat by one juggernaut of an army. They could be swift strikes that seem to be thrown out effortlessly.

And then there's those pieces that take the entire (fight) scene it's supposed to accompany, deconstruct it, and then aurally rebuild the music so that even if you didn't have the visuals, you could picture what was supposed to be going on. "Nagato vs Asakura" is a prime example - it takes the scene it plays in (warning: spoilers) and meshes it with the sounds quite well. It starts off with a verbal exchange between two opponents (0:00-0:41) that escalates to full-on combat (0:42-1:35). Blows are exchanged until our heroine in question takes a serious hit (1:35) and the villain goes for the coup de grâce after an "I have defeated you" speech (2:01). However, the heroine expected this and reveals that she took precautionary measures in the event of her defeat. As the villain realizes that she'd been had (2:17) she gives off a warning and says that this is not over.

This is how music should be like - if it can tell its own story with just the notes and lyrics alone, then it's done its job.

Hey, all. It's been a while since I've been meaning to post a good entry, but I guess I owe it to y'all to write something somewhat decent. Thing is, there's nothing coming to mind.

So, to mak- *looks behind shoulder* H-Hey! What're you doing with that ba-


Soooooooo, this is Quincee, Josh's little cousin. He is having writer's block right now so I'm taking over.

Not many people know this buuuuuuut Josh is actually a pretty cool person. He is more like my brother than anything, even though we don't see each other too often. He taught me how to play video games like [Super] Mario 64, Star Fox, and Pokémon Snap. He introduced me to Star Wars and anime shows. He gave me my childhood.

It's sad that I don't have much to say about my primo favorito, but that's just life. You can't explain the important things in so few words. Love you, Josh.

...uhng... ...what... happened...? My head feels like shattered glass that's on fire... *looks at his blog* Oh, look: an entry. Uh, thanks, cousin. =D

Well, until the 'morrow, everyone.

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