Saturday, November 10, 2012

You Can Tell He's Worn Out

I am tired, beat, exhausted, and just about every other synonym for "fatigued" you can think of. Why is that, you ask? Well, I'm going to have to cite five words and a number (or four words and two numbers if you count written-out numbers as numbers):

Pacific Media Expo 2012 - Day Two

As draining as the whole experience is, it's rather fun and what not. Obviously, you'll be getting an entry about my time here (just like how PMX 2011 got one last year), but that won't be for some time to come.

In the meantime, I think I'm going to hit the bed and snooze for a good while. Been up since 0630 and I finally stopped working just now. (Doesn't mean I spent the whole time between then and now working, but a majority of the time was work.) I think I deserve the night off... but duty calls. *leaves*

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