Sunday, July 6, 2014

Task Completed; NEXT!

Sometimes, things take much longer than you'd want it to. Whether life, the elements, or the ever-in-motion "X factor" get in the way, the task at hand suddenly transforms from a normal task to one of gastronomical heights. No, I didn't mean "astronomical" - said task suddenly becomes a huge knot in your stomach, paralyzing your digestive system (and maybe your psyche) until you can somehow stomach the strength to carry on with yourself.

We've all faced difficult obstacles like that in our life. Anyone with any kind of project currently on the backburner knows this feeling. You want to continue working on it, but every time you do, you get nauseated with how arduous it has suddenly become. You don't even want to deal with it anymore - it's that bad. At that point, going through physical torture sounds more appealing than hitting the "Continue" button.

For those of you just tuning in, I had a task like that a few days ago. It was thrown on the backburner for a little over three years - mostly because I lost interest in it. It wasn't grabbing my attention like I thought it would, and its entertainment value ran itself dry much, much earlier than I expected.

It took a while, but I finally completed it that's made me... well, I wouldn't call it "happy," so let's just go ahead and use the term "relieved."
After three years of self-loathing and dissatisfaction, I finally beat Pokémon White Version. With this done, I can now move on with my life and continue my Pokémon journey the way it was supposed to go: as far away from the Unova region as humanly possible.

Okay; what's next to do...?

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