Friday, June 10, 2011

All Aircraft Report!

It seems like a HUGE mistake for me to put down what I put down yesterday. For those of you too lazy to find yesterday's entry, here's how it closed:
"So, tomorrow. Great entry. I promise."
Yeah. In case you don't know already, I'm big when it comes to promises. Failing a promise... yeech. I'd rather die.

So, I guess I now have to deliver before I go in to work today. I figure: quality, life status update entry would be good.

Today's a Friday. An off-Friday for me, since I don't get paid today. Most depressing for me, since I want to be in a better financial situation than I am now. Eh. It can't be helped - I've always been in a financial rut like this.

Money would be nice. I must be complete.

I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. I have a couple of theories as to why I'm a bit blue. The main one I'm leaning towards is the mostly-obvious fact that I work in a general retail store - and as such, I encounter lots of kids. Slimy, horrible, spoiled, ill-mannered snots who're raised by slimy, horrible, spoiled, ill-mannered parents who shouldn't have procreated. As such, these disrespectful little whelps just sneeze, cough, wipe, and pretty much whatever on store products... products that I have to tend after. As such, contamination is virtually inevitable.

...maybe I should yell at a whelp today. And maybe I should just refer to those slimy, horrible, spoiled, ill-mannered snots as whelps from now on. I'll teach ye' some respect... know what? I WILL.

Progress with Radiant Historia is going well... my party is at Lv30 and I'm doing well financially. From what a friend tells me, I'm somewhat overleveled... which must mean I'll be steamrolling through the next few boss fights. *evil laugh*

I was debating about calling out from work today due to me being sick. It gives me a day to recuperate and recover, as well as give me a day to just relax how I want. (The overabundance of sick hours I have saved up would finally start to be used for once.) At the same time, I have no idea what I'd be doing if I did. Apart from taking a HUGE nap, I'd end up sitting there wondering what to do.

So, I decided against it. If my condition indeed worsens, it'll be from stress weakening my immune system - stress I know that'll show up when I go in tonight. If it worsens at a much faster rate than I predict (assuming my prediction's true, of course), then oh, man; I think I'd better back off.

So. A decent entry for today, I guess. I'll bid you all adieu until tomorrow, then. I... can't... lose!

Oh, and did anyone notice all the Star Fox 64 references I threw in this entry? =P

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