Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This Better Not Be Like Last Time

Okay, so there's nothing cool here today. I spent most of it relaxing and typing up what was supposed to be here today, but as you can see, it's not here today.

Don't fret - this is not going to end up like last month. like I said, April's a new month and I have many things planned. The post is about 85% done, but I'm fleshing out everything and ironing out any kinks to the text.

You want proof that it's actually happening? Well, then... here.

This is a snippet tomorrow's entry. Ignore the words - unless you haven't seen that entry, it's nothing new.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go ahead and slowly get the rest of this finished. (And maybe run some dailies on Gef.) Until the 'morrow, everyone - I SHALL RETURN.

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