Monday, March 12, 2012

Totally Saw This Coming

Working on these things is taking a lot more time than I originally thought. There's a lot of things I have to type up and a great amount of coding I have to go through and meticulously check. Blogger's system of writing is great as it allows me to toggle from viewing the rough draft in pure HTML form and in a WYSIWYG form. However, every time I go back and forth, it alters parts of the code and forces me to re-type and remove said parts for the final product to work.

Normally, I wouldn't mind so much, but as I've been doing this for the greater length of three hours, I'm starting to get a little bit frazzled. I'm tired of typing things up, and now I just want to stop.

I know what you're thinking: "Yaaaaaaay; another pushback, Josh? Geez; why don't you get your frakking act together and just type it all up already? Or better yet: why don't you stop being such a lazy putz!?"

Hehehe. Well, I'll admit - I just don't really feel like doing anything anymore for the time being. I think I've worked myself enough on my day off, so as such, I think I'm allowed to be a bit lazy.

So, yeah. Tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to go ahead and conk out.

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