Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Entry Under Construction

I felt like posting something cool today, but I can't. Surprisingly, it's not because I'm feeling lazy. It's more to do with the fact that I have work today and the glaring fact that I wouldn't have enough time between now and then to write everything down, gloss over what I typed to make sure it flows, make my edits, and post it. You have to consider the fact that I'm still in the process of waking up, have yet to take my shower, and need to run a quick errand before work - and with what I want to type up, it'll cause conflict with my schedule.

So, tomorrow. You'll definitely see it tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to get the framework on in done so I can do my other stuff. Until then, here's a picture to tell you why I said to remember yesterday.

The 2012 Venus transit. If you didn't know about this, you just missed out on an event that won't occur for at least another hundred years.
Until the 'morrow. *starts typing tomorrow's entry*

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