Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Bridge of Fate: 1000 Words

Today began as a (somewhat) normal day for me: alone in my bed, sweat on my forehead from a nightmare I once thought vanquished, my phone's alarm ready to go off in ten minutes, the daylight trickling through my window, my iPod shuffling through my "Sleepytime" playlist.

I wasn't particularly feeling inspired to do anything yet, because I knew I had to type something big to bridge the first and second halves of 2012 together (much like I did last year). So, I decided I'd go through my "slowly waking up" routine: lurking on the Internet and keeping a window on standby in case I came up with something to type. Now, this process takes about two to three hours, depending on what my plans for the day are and when they kick off. For this particular day today, my confirmed schedule involves work at 1500, with nothing else in hand. So I figured, "two hours ought to be enough."

That was 0800. At the time I began to write this entry out, it was 1127.

Now, usually, when I'm going through this slow wake-up, I'll more often than not have no less than fifteen tabs open on Google Chrome. More often than not, a decent portion of 'em will either be pages on Wikipedia or TV Tropes, two of the Internet's biggest time-sink websites in history. (Not that that's a bad thing...)

Somehow I ended up on the real life section of the "Crowning Moment of Heartwarming" page on TV Tropes. As a known cynic with occasional misanthropist thoughts, I was stunned to see that there are still people willing to help others out there in their own way. Naturally, reading a page like this would stun anyone with any degree of misanthropy, and while I know that for all my sarcasm and jackassedness I'm still a good guy (I hope, because your mileage will vary.), there are moments in life that force me to stand back and wonder why I'm still kind at times. Reading stories like these remind me that the world is worth living in and that people still deserve kindness - even if they do deserve a .50 caliber bullet to the face.

However, that's not the story I'm here to talk to you about. I'm here to tell you about one particular entry I read that shook my very core and reminded me about my past, the present, and the promises I intend to uphold in the future.

And to think it all started with a picture.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Flames of Rhythm

Today feels like a great day. It's sunny outside, the birds are chirping, no clouds in the the sky at all. It's one of those rare opportunities to do fun things in the daylight, such as hitting the beach, going to a friend's to hang out, and maybe teaming up in the end so y'all can set the local orphanage on fire.

"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask... what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty..."
- The Spy (Team Fortress 2: Meet the Pyro)

(Image made by "ChemicalAlia" and found on DeviantArt.)
But enough talk about delusions of arson and homicide - you're here to have a fun read, not commit ridiculous felonies! (At least I hope you're not.) Let's go!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stories on Wheels

Good night Afternoon, everyone! Time to sit down, log in, and prepare to race... off...!

I've always loved games that let you leave your initials as a record statement for the whole world to see.
Oh, what the hell; a login screen!?!?!? *sigh* Fiiine. Let me get through this security stuff. Give me one second. Entertain yourself with the Current Music while I do this. *types furiously*

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Persuasion Roll of 20

Okay, so I lied. Today's entry will not consist of speed and video games as I said it would yesterday. Matter-of-fact, it's not going to consist of much at all.

Monday, June 25, 2012


And after four straight days of decent entries, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you by dealing you a short one tonight. I have research to do, and you'll see its results by 'morrow's end. It's going to be fun, and it'll appeal to both fans of speed (not the drug, mind you) and video games.

Until then, I leave you with a picture and a question.

Last Moves:
20. dxe5 Bc5
Who the frak is winning?

Sunday, June 24, 2012


In a deviation from the norm, I decided to dust off an old GameCube classic so I can do some research for my next Top Ten list. That classic? Mario Kart: Double Dash!! So, before we begin, I just have to ask you one thing.

If the Mario franchise had to vote for "top trollers," these two characters would definitely make the top five.
Expecting me to throw a "HI, I'M DAISY!" joke on here?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Breakfast Mate

I have an idea. What if we took this blog entry and combine it with some other entry's draft? Make a super entry or something?

Alas, that's what happened here, but the draft that was used combined one short entry with another short entry, but I think it's better-looking than what it could have been.

So prepare, my friends... prepare for a delicious defeat in more ways than one.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Conquer the Day

Afternoon, everybody. It's a Friday, and you know what that means? Absolutely nothing because I work in retail! *cries*

Despite that, I have a feeling today's going to be good. Don't know how, but I think it will be.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zero CC

After a few weeks of monotony, I decided that I wanted nothing more with this. So one day, I decided to wage a war against this slurry of crap and decapitate this monstrosity. This is what happens when lethargy is met with a swift hammer to the face... and what happens when I declare that I've had enough.

(Keep in mind that the above pre-entry description would have been more graphic. There were guts strewn every which way and blood spatters all across the walls. I think I even saw a starving child from Africa Los Angeles pick up a gun and pickpocket the corpse. I'd have included that metaphor, but then I realized that not many people would appreciate the joke and would instead think I crossed the line somewhere.)

So instead of crossing the line (or somehow crossing the line twice), let's just go ahead and fast-forward this story to the (near-)present, where I'm busy drinking the sorrows away.

(TL;DR: I punched my laziness away today. With literal punch.)

Blue Ocean Punch Bowl, courtesy of Benihana.
Now let's go get wasted!

(Author's Note: During the entire time spent typing this entry up, I was not drunk at all. For starters, that'd be sad if I was. Moreover, I was at the library when this was typed, and I'm pretty sure public intoxication is illegal.)

(Author's Note: Also: inb4 "This post has nothing to do with Code Geass despite what the title may refer to." It was sheer coincidence that the two words I picked to represent the thoughts of today's entry matched two principle characters from the manga/anime series.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Getting There

June has been quiet lately. No muss, no fuss, not much activity, but I have the feeling that today will be decent - mostly because I have the fuel for it. We'll just have to see what happens later on tonight.

Expect something cool tomorrow. For now I must be off to work.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Small Update

I don't really know what is with me this past week... or for that matter, the past month and a half. What is with that? I'm not sure.

I'm working on something. It's on its way.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Drunken Laziness

So today, I decided that instead of posting a great entry, I would postpone that to tomorrow and ended up doing things that weren't originally on my itinerary.

That, and I'm feeling very, very... VERY... drunk. *hic*

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Not Surprisingly

So guess what tomorrow is? An off-day.

And do you know what that means? A better blog entry than this one!

*spirits away to work*

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Short View

I'm beginning to wonder if this upcoming week's going to be a good one... or a great one. I suppose I'll figure that out as the day goes on.

Yeah - another ridiculously short entry today. Still getting inspired and what not. Fear not, though - it's not going to be like the past "Blank Day" entries.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Slept Through Time

It's been a while since I've taken a nap. It's scary and awesome. One minute I remember me watching The Incredibles and playing with some Lego pieces while the sun was shining... and the next minute, I saw a part of the movie I already saw, and the sun was no longer in sight. It was like jumping forward in time. WHOA. Crazy stuff.

And now that that's over, it's time for more Mario Kart 7 practice!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Musing Out

I didn't know what to write today. Really, now. I didn't. That's what my mind was thinking all day. Hell, it was thinking like this for almost a week now. Frankly, I was getting tired of it, but it looked as if today was going to be the same.

I guess that's what happens when nothing interesting happens in your life. Lately life seems to look like an endless loop of the following:
  • wake up
  • prep for your day
  • work (on a work day)
  • get your off-day plans with people botched
  • sleep
Once you're stuck in a routine like that, living just seems... well, dull.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blank Day 5

Today's feeling a lot like the other four days. I'm not liking that. Not at all.

Part of this I think has to do with the "June gloom" that's haunting my section of the world right now. It's been cloudy for nearly a full week now and I'm really, really starting to get sick of it. *skyward scream* Where's my sunny sky, Earth!?

Yes - I'm aware of how bad this string of crap entries have been. Yes - I'm aware that some may call this "cheating." They do have validity with their statements, but since the only rule I have for this blog is to post at least once a day, I can also claim validity.

So, yeah. I'll see what I can do about getting a good entry up before the week's out. For now, work and intense Mario Kart 7 practice call, so... ciao.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blank Day 4

This week has honestly got me out of wack. Between this bout of laziness and the fact that my work schedule got twisty-screwed this week, I'm kind of at a loss with myself. I'm used to things like this, but really, now... this is just ridiculous.

But apart from all that, life seems to be okay. I'll just have to let the rest of the week play out... but seeing as how this is Tuesday... *dons a coat*

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blank Day 3

And now this laziness has extended to a third day. Guess that's what happens in this boring little life of mine.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blank Day 2

There's only one thing worse than waking up and not feeling like anything: when it happens twice in a row.

That's what today is, and since I'm still feeling all lazy about it, you'll just have to deal with this until the 'morrow.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blank Day

I woke up today and I didn't know what to do with myself. I still don't. Maybe that's what happens when you're sleep deprived.

Ah, well. I suppose I could do something productive while I'm up and waiting to go to work.

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Hero to Rise

Ideally, this post would have made a lot more sense if it had shown up two days ago. As you probably saw, that wasn't the case - I felt that I lacked sufficient time to post everything that's going to be on here today. You'll see why in a few minutes if you're not one of those jerks who skim this blog.

Anywho, two days ago was June 6, and if you remember your world history, it's the anniversary to World War II's famous "D-Day" - when an Allied invasion force consisting of thousands of Allied soldiers, sailors, and airmen break through Nazi Germany's "Fortress Europe" and breach the Atlantic Wall. The eyes of the world were upon them. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march[ed] with them. In company with their brave allies and brothers-in-arms on other fronts, [they brought] about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

(Author's Note: Eisenhower had a pretty good speech, I'd say.)

As a bit of a World War II buff, I happen to enjoy reading about the history and the (military) technology and I think remembering the sacrifices so many made on that day 68 years ago (or any day, really) should be something everyone should do - from thanking a living veteran for their services to their country to having a moment of silence remembering those who've died for theirs. (Yeah... I totally remembered to do that last year. *headdesk*) And yes, I mean everyone. Note how I didn't specifically say "Americans" - while I believe most of my fellow countrymen are taking every bloody thing for granted, we're not the only country that seems to forget about the past (though I have to say that we're just the country with the most obnoxious citizenry).

In memory of the patriots who saved the world.
While I wanted to do my own special thing to commemorate the events of June 6, 1944, I lacked the time to compose this said thing on Wednesday. Alas, this is Thursday Friday, and that means that I should have the day off (at least in theory) I'm working later on today. Seeing as how it's holding true thus far, I think it's time we gave a salute to the men and women in uniform (before I put this off again). I don't care what country; I don't care what war - just give them some kind of respect or sign of gratitude.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So instead of doing things that I wanted to do, I ended up doing other things that... well, weren't initially on my schedule. Plans seem to go south for me every bloody time, but I'm so used to it that I just stopped caring. It ends up becoming a day I can use on my own to do other things.

That's the point of today. That's what this is. Time spent on myself when I had other plans I could've spent with people... but since those plans keep falling apart, I had to improvise with other things.

Sounds heartless and possibly fruitless, but you know what? Maybe I'm just crazy or losing my mind or descending someplace I can't climb back up. Or maybe it's a sign of something happening... or maybe it's just me trying to salvage a good day out of a torn one.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Entry Under Construction

I felt like posting something cool today, but I can't. Surprisingly, it's not because I'm feeling lazy. It's more to do with the fact that I have work today and the glaring fact that I wouldn't have enough time between now and then to write everything down, gloss over what I typed to make sure it flows, make my edits, and post it. You have to consider the fact that I'm still in the process of waking up, have yet to take my shower, and need to run a quick errand before work - and with what I want to type up, it'll cause conflict with my schedule.

So, tomorrow. You'll definitely see it tomorrow. For now, I'm just going to get the framework on in done so I can do my other stuff. Until then, here's a picture to tell you why I said to remember yesterday.

The 2012 Venus transit. If you didn't know about this, you just missed out on an event that won't occur for at least another hundred years.
Until the 'morrow. *starts typing tomorrow's entry*

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Strategic Pony

Time to roll out the big guns for this month. After four days of not posting anything decent in June, the tides turn and now... I strike the heart of monotony with my words... and my! Unholy! RANDOM! TAAAALENT!!! *cue overdramatic hammy acting*

Precarious for Black, is it not? If you don't think so, just wait 'til you see the rest of the board.
And now that the pieces are in position... let's play.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Okay, so I lied again. (Typical me.) I'm over at a friend's house and hanging out with people, so I'm afraid the post I had scheduled for today will just have to show up tomorrow. Ah, well. Life calls, and that's more important than writing, I'd say.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Better Priorities

This has been one long and quite draining weekend. I can tell you that much. Unfortunately for you, since I'm in a Mario Kart mood and I feel like unwinding, I'm totally going to give y'all the shaft and tell you about things mañana (like old times, right?), so I guess you'll have to wait until then.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gaining Loss

There are some days where we just lose... and some days where winning is inevitable.
And sometimes... that loss... that victory... can turn right 'round.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sleepy Beginning

Thank goodness it's June. No more having to post more than a thousand words... no more stressing out because I need to type something big. *yawns* That's a good thing for me. I need my rest.

Now if you'll excuse me... *goes to sleep*