Thursday, March 3, 2011

Future Assassination Handling

Today's entry doesn't really focus on anything big, unlike yesterday's.
If anything, all I'm doing is testing the automatic posting feature that Blogger (or BlogSpot... I can't really tell any more, to be honest) looks like it features.

It's a weird feeling, leaving something such as a blog to be posted at a later date. Kind of like that weird feeling you get after composing something that's to be seen/read/heard after you pass on.

Gives me goosebumps, but... I suppose that's what happens when a post-mortem message is created.


With Spring Break soon approaching*, I've found that we need something to entertain the people that will be in town for a few days.

I know that not many people read this blog yet, and I'm okay with that (for now). But to those of you who do... I suggest watching your backs and practicing to do so...

* = March 14 is NOT an appropriate time to start Spring Break. -_-;;

...Assassin will be played. And people will be crushed by "10,000 lbs. weight" pillows, "poisoned" by wasabi-spiked sushi rolls, shot in the face with Nerf darts, or whatever suits the assassins' fancy.

I finished composing the basic rule sheets recently and posted it on a Facebook group I'm in charge of.
If anyone's interested, perhaps I'll post the rules here as well so you can try it with a local group of friends...

...but until then, be careful. You never know who got you as a target... *evil smile*

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