Friday, March 18, 2011

Non Sequitur 1: "Who are the Patriots?"

I decided that for today's entry, I was just going to rant about random things (in no particular order) and just call it today's blog entry.
Quick one-shot flash writes that could incorporate any and all topics... call it cryptic nonsense, if you will.
Granted, it qualifies as an entry - and at the same time, I get to clear my head with all these random thought chains that keep popping into my head.

As for the "subject" I put up there: this entry has nothing to do with the question I asked.
Of course, you can go ahead and ignore that and assume there's an underlying meaning behind it, but there isn't - I just wanted something to go up there to throw people off, and that was the first thing that came to mind when coming up for today's entry's title.

So now that you know that, perhaps the title makes a little more sense.
Then again... maybe not.

Capcom Sound Team - "Guile Stage"
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Soundtrack

Quite possibly one of the most iconic theme songs for any Street Fighter character.
It screams strength and pride - something that Guile (and any American fighter in a fighting game) has.

Of course, the fact that last year it was the subject of an infamous YouTube meme called "Guile Theme Goes with Everything" (where random clips from movies, television shows and video games have their music replaced by this particular track) just adds to its awesomeness.

When the meme first started, I wanted to make my own videos myself - I had a few ideas of my own that weren't on YouTube at the time (and as far as I can see, they still aren't).

Here's an experiment: grab this track (make sure it's the original one - the others don't sound quite as awesome) and play it whenever you're doing something - whether it be something mundane as getting your friend out of a boring international business meeting or something crazy like surviving electrical torture.
I guarantee it'll make whatever you're doing seem more epic.

Godsmack - "Whiskey Hangover"
The Oracle

A song about drinking and loving it, plain and simple. From the sound of the lyrics, it also sounds like an appropriate counter for drinkers to use against those who say that drinking's bad for you.

Pretty awesome to blare on the car stereo, too.

Van Halen - "Jump"

Great way for me to start my morning.
I don't know what it is about this song, but it empowers me. If I hear it within the first hour of me waking up, I'll usually end up with a surge of energy, and if I'm tired I'll get revitalized the more this song plays.

Plus, I wanna learn the keyboard part. Been craving something fun to learn on the piano for a while, and I think I found it.

"Why I'm not wearing any pants isn't important. Let's just say I took some Scourge shrapnel in the wrong place and leave it at that, okay?"
- Ambo Cash
(World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King)

Trust me: I didn't ask.
(To you WoW junkies wondering who this guy is, he's some random human NPC in Dragonblight.)

"Just one question, though. IS there a way to take off my pants?"
- Naked Snake
(Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)

The only appropriate response to this question would be the words "Say WHAT!?"

Hey, everyone. Like I said in the intro, I'm just going to rant about random stuff.
Some of it can be serious; some of it light-hearted; some of it ridiculous and sanity-questioning; all of it true-talk from the innards of my mind.
Let's get started, shall we?
(DISCLAIMER: The White Knight is not responsible for any lapses of judgment or aneurysms you may incur after reading all of this. Care should be taken to make sure you realize that this is all just text. Text with potential underlying meanings. Text that might just be text to confuse you for no reason other than to make me happy because I posted something.)

Of Time...

Sometimes I wish I had all the time in the world to do whatever.
Then I think to myself... once I finish all I want to do, what next?
Is it because I currently lack the time management skills to complete all the tasks at hand?

Or is it because I'm looking at it all wrong?

I Need Scissors! 61!

"I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Those were the good old days... what were you in your former life?"

What Am I Afraid Of?

21 and still haven't done things I could've done eons ago.
I don't know whether to call myself prudish or just plain sad...

Makes me wonder if any of it will be done before the time I hit 22.
Time will tell, but so will my actions. Am I correct in this hypothesis so far?

My question is this: in the future, should I fall... would I actually be falling, or am I just in love with the concept of falling?

It's one of the questions I have yet to answer for myself, and it haunts me for failing to do so.

Metal Gear HAIKU
(by Josh D. "Whitey" Blanco)

Metal Gear Solid:
Series with cryptic meanings
Meme, gene, scene, and sense

I Need a New Chair...

My current computer chair seems to sink randomly about 75% of the time. It's ridiculous how many times I have to adjust the damn thing, and for someone who's completely nitpicky about having zero distractions while trying to actually work (that's a first), this is driving me nuts.

Sadly, it's barely been a year since I got it.
No, I don't abuse the chair, nor do I do anything stupid like land my butt on in with force.
It just one day decided to off itself and now I have to suffer with it.

While we're talking about the need of a new chair, perhaps I should look into those plastic things they put on carpets so chairs can roll more easily... those would help, too...

The 3DS Needs to Come Out Faster

Seriously. My slowly-dying DSi just lost functionality with its L-Button.
While my friends and I are attributing the button failures to dust, I don't have the means (or the know-how) to safely dismantle a DSi without frying the circuit boards by accident.

I should invest in one of those anti-static bracelets, huh?

And I should look for more old games I don't play anymore so I can get some more in-store credit.
Having to pay less for an awesome handheld console is always a good thing.

Oh, and maybe I should pre-order one of the 3DS launch titles. Maybe Super Street Fighter IV or something like that, because that Metal Gear Solid game they're planning won't be out for a while...

What's In a Name?

One of the fun things about playing any Pokémon game is the naming of caught Pokémon.
While others think of random nicknames that work (and show off the creative intelligence of a six-year-old), I tend to either have lesser-known references to other things, actual names that I'd like to name my future children, or fusion names that combine a few qualities of the previously mentioned reasons (or just plain sound awesome.

Heh. Look at me, still dreaming about the future when the present is such a mess.

But anyway, names. They're fun, and they're meaningful, and when I get to name something, I put a good amount of thought into it.

(I'm going to sound like such a dork with the following words, but eh.)

Examples of names my Pokémon have include:

Alexia (Gardevoir - from my Pokémon: Platinum Version team)
Gardevoir are described as powerful Psychic-type Pokémon that can feel the emotions of others around them.
Their emotional bonds with their trainers are to the point where they will sacrifice their lives to protect them.
And Alexia happens to be a variant of the name Alexandra, a Greek name meaning "defender of men." I thought it fitting.

Nellington (Lilligant - from my Pokémon: White Version team)
Lilligant have a certain unique grace to their appearance, so I wanted a rather unique name for mine when I caught one.
As far as I know, nobody has the name Nellington (though it may exist as a surname), and so I chose that.
The name in my opinion seems strong and serene at the same time, and it has the capability to be shortened to a nickname: Nelly.
(I'll be honest: should I have a daughter, this name is going up as a contender.)

Panzer Rex (Rampardos - from my Pokémon: Diamond Version team)
A combination of German and Latin that, when translated to English, literally mean "tank king."
Rampardos' look just screams Tyrannosaurus, and with the highest unmodified base Attack stat in the game, it has the power to boot any contenders out of its way.

Voidwalker (Gengar - from my Pokémon: Soul Silver Version team)
My Gengar's namesake comes from the voidwalkers of World of Warcraft, sentient demonic energy resembling gaseous humanoids.
Since both draw upon and use energy in a dark and sinister manner (a voidwalker's touch can summon extreme mental anguish, and Gengar are said to feed off the suffering and life force of its victims), I thought the similarities were good enough for this referential name.

I (Still) Want a Vuvuzela! Like, MEOW!

For those of you who for some reason didn't watch any of the FIFA 2010 World Cup last year, you missed out on the biggest blessing-slash-curse to hit the earth: the introduction of the vuvuzela.

When the World Cup was on TV, all anyone could hear were the announcers and the vuvuzelas, causing much annoyance to the world population. Hell, even Middle Earth found them annoying.

While I will admit that they're a literal ear-sore, I still wanted to get my hands on one.
It got to the point where I started asking desperately for one (ask my friends - they know what was on the top of my wish lists for my 21st birthday and Christmas last year) and began to "threaten" everyone who didn't get me one to eternal random doom*.

And here's the scary part about this "threat": I'm dead serious.

* = The "threat" goes like this: the moment I get a vuvuzela from someone, everyone else will be subject to what I call a "vuvuzela drive-by," where I pay someone to drive me around to everyone else's place of residence (at a random time of my choosing) and blare the vuvuzela. Should I get angry yelling or a pissed-off phone call within the first 15 seconds, I will deem my "hit" successful and go on my merry way.

I Need Money

...but don't we all?

Well, that about wraps up my first non sequitur. I'll spare everyone from more of this for today...
Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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