Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mental Plasma Infusion

So a long and toiling day at work is rewarded with me getting to go home and play Pokémon: White all night.
This is good. This is really good.

Why? Well... for one, it's Pokémon. Enough said.

That, and over lunch, I was playing some more and leveling my team (so far, Oshawott's the only one making the cut) and I ran into the primary antagonists in this game: Team Plasma.

Okay, now some of you are probably going, "What? 'Plasma?' Sounds even stupider than 'Team Galactic!' They're just as pea-brained, aren't they?"
Not necessarily. On the outside they seem just as jacked up as their counterparts from the other games (the infamous and well-known Team Rocket from the first and second games, Team Magma and Team Aqua from the third generation, and Team Galactic from the fourth), but these guys seem to be a bit... interesting.

They claim to be liberating Pokémon from the human race.

Sounds weird, but at the same time, I got intrigued.
These guys actually think they're doing good, and at the same time it seems like a legitimate argument, but at the same time, their methodology... hrm.

It got me thinking about something else... my Spring Break.
It starts the moment it hits midnight, but one thing has stopped me from fully enjoying it.
(Most people would guess work, but no; it's a question.)

Of all the things I put down on my to-do list for Spring Break... why the hell is "Clean my Room" on the top?

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