Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Official "Hate List" of Josh D. "Whitey" Blanco

I joke around once in a while with my friends and co-workers about things I hate.
Now, while that sounds immature and petty, I know that lots of us have one.

If you're shaking your head "no," then snap out of your denial streak - you do. *wry grin*

Anyway, I couldn't sleep last night - a decent amount of thinking and an equal amount of Mountain Dew will do that to you.
And as I was thinking, I realized that my list was not only real - but somewhat humorous.
Also, it provides a great insight into my mind and everything.
So I decided to start working on my official "Hate List" and decided, "Hey, it'd be pretty funny to share this with the world!"

So, as I'm rushed to prep for work today (early afternoon shift = stress from Sunday shoppers), I will simply leave you with the list as I've composed it thus far.

Keep in mind that these hatreds are real (unless otherwise noted).

So, without further ado...!

The Official "Hate List" of Josh D. "Whitey" Blanco
(Last Update Code: 201103061337)

1.) Anyone Who Has Emotionally Fucked Me Over

2.) Being Called "Joshua" or ANY Pet Name Derivative
(unless you've had personal clearance from me - and so far maybe three people have been granted that)

3.) Singles' Awareness Day
(otherwise known as February 14: Valentine's Day)

4.) Christmas & New Year's

5.) Justin Bieber

6.) People Lacking Grammar and/or Spelling Skills

7.) The Twilight Franchise

8.) The Star Wars Prequels

9.) The French
(This is actually a joke; in reality I totally respect France. I'll explain tomorrow.)

10.) The Cadillac Escalade

As much as I'd love to expand on all of this, I simply lack the time to do so right now (thank you, work).
However, I promise that I'll do so tomorrow. You have my word.

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