Friday, March 25, 2011


Sometimes plans go through exactly the way you want them to.
Sometimes those plans end up going south.
And sometimes the plans that don't end well spiral out of control.

In those rare cases where recovery seems all but possible, it always makes you wonder what would have happened if things ended differently... if different choices were made.
Oftentimes one asks if they would still go through with their plans had they known that this would be the end result, and usually the answer is "no."

But then there's those stubborn fools who refuse to admit defeat and end up digging a deeper grave than they originally had dug.
Whether it be due to misplaced judgment or a very big issue relating to pride... nobody knows but the person in the hole.

However, it's not the choices that the person made that got them in their troublesome situation that determine character. Rather, it's how they get themselves out of it that do.

As such... let's see what my character looks like after I climb out of this hole...

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