Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sometimes, Breakfast is All You Need

I was going to give you this waffle.      (>'_')>#
But then I thought:                               (>'#'<)
"I'm hungry."                                        (>'_'<)
So I ate it.                                            (>^_^<)

Hideki Sakamoto - "prime #61"
Echochrome Original Soundtrack

While the music of the PS3 puzzle game known as Echochrome is designed to help you think, a good portion of it actually helps you to relax as well. Because of this soundtrack, I'm sure that if I were to take over the world, I'd hire a string quartet to live in my giant mansion so I can listen to string quartet stuff at my leisure. *lies back and closes eyes* Ahh... sweet, aural bliss...

If I had listened to this soundtrack before I made that Top Ten list on the most relaxing video game music pieces I've heard, then I'm sure this would've been placed on it somewhere. Possibly within the top five, even.

It's been a long time since I've had a proper breakfast. Hell, it's been a long time since I've had breakfast. So earlier this morning, I decided, "Hey, let's get breakfast and make this day a good one!" I did. I ate it. I became super happy panda when I did. It's an amazing feeling to experience - both within the functions of your senses and within your stomach.

When I start my days off, I start them off goooooooooood.
Biscuits and gravy (nothin' quite like 'em), over-easy eggs, bacon, sausage, homefries, some coffee (black, two sugars), and some iced tea... mmm-mm-MMM! Oh, and a book to read while you're leisurely chowing down helps immensely, too.

If this doesn't start my day off right, then I'm not sure what will anymore. But since it is starting my day off right... *huge grin of happiness*

As me getting breakfast is kind of a big deal, I figured it'd make for a decent topic for today's rather to-the-point entry. It's not much, but hey - it's important (they do say it's the most important meal of the day), so it warrants something concise like this. Plus, with a lot of things on my plate (and not the above plate, mind you) for today, I might as well get the day started right - a short-yet-sweet entry, a fulfilling and hearty breakfast, and a decently-good mood plastered on my face.

Until the 'morrow, everyone. Keep those smiles up, and eat a good breakfast whenever possible! =D

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