Saturday, October 1, 2011

Your Wake-Up Call

Okay, ladies and gentlemen: rest time is over! You asked me to wake you up when September ends, and I am your wake-up call! What you learned and knew in the past thirty days is no longer valid! It is time for action! It is time for war! Gear up and meet back in the ready room in five!

(Author's Note: The above paragraph is best read when you imagine me getting super-serious to the point of yelling. Like, "drill instructor who's going to frak your life over for the next few months" super-serious. Don't ask me why I want you to think like that - I'm just wanting some dynamic "change." Hehe.)

Bear McCreary - "Prelude to War"
Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Original Soundtrack

Honestly, I'm beginning to think this is my favorite music piece from Battlestar Galactica. When I first listened to this four months ago I remember wondering how "Prelude to War" would be used in the TV show. Now that I've actually heard it in action in the series, I have to say that it's definitely done its job in increasing tension to the point of combat... and then it did a finer job when applied in combat. (Hence, the "Prelude to War.")

Those drums are just mesmerizing. Hell, this entire piece is mesmerizing. Mesmerizing enough to warrant its transcription to piano (which, in this video, is performed by McCreary himself).

Afternoon, everyone. Glad to see you're all here waiting to see what's up. Here's what you need to know:

These next 92 days, including today, mark the beginning of the tail end of this year, where the world goes crazy and chaotic as they welcome a flurry of holidays and herald in the new year at the end of it all. Retailers know these 92 days as "Fourth Quarter," and it is highly expected to encounter higher traffic inside their stores.

While the High Commanders and gods-that-be over in the corporate sector have command authority over their districts, each one of us has been given operational supervisory powers over our personal combat zones. We have been granted this opportunity because somewhere, some unknown force has the sense to believe that we are the ones who can make these 92 days either be a Hell incarnate... or the best they can be in a time of absolute chaos.

I need you all to accept these roles and work to the best of your ability to remain steadfast and vigilant in the face of these 92 days to come. Any failure out there could cause us as a whole to crack should sufficient failure amass on us. I do not want failure out there.

Bringing "Sense" Back from "Senseless"
(Or: What the hell was this metaphor all about?)

Metaphorical (mis)givings about the last 92 days of 2011 aside, I just want to welcome you to today's entry - albeit in a manner that seems less-than-welcoming. Call it an action of me being an asshole to y'all (since I apparently do that so well in real life on occasion). Call it a sudden urge to go all U.S. Marine Corps Drill Instructor on you guys for no reason other than Wiki-surfing to that topic. Call it suppressed leadership potential residing within me. Call it what you will - you'll just have to deal with me yelling at you when I'm actually just saying "Hi!"

While it's true that September is over, 2011 refuses to yield - at least not for another three months. During this time I'm expecting things at work to get only worse as the juggernaut of stress, panic, and mayhem inches its way closer and closer to the retail world. Some say that it's already here. Some believe it won't show up until Black Friday.

Regardless of what your personal belief is, I just wanted to warn you about the black wave slowly creeping towards us. It's best to be ready for whenever it decides to cascade its way on top of you.

What Lingers in My (Writing) Life
(Is there a need to stop?)

September is over and the requirement to write one thousand words per entry is no longer upon me, but the urge to write a lot remains instilled within me. Call it a psychological form of muscle memory or something of the sort, but I'm still typing. Lots.

In a way, I guess that means that last month's experiment was a great decision on my part. Though it made me weary and a bit tired, spending time to write something good and decent on this blog now seems to be an ingrained duty. I get to write (what I perceive to be) higher-quality entries that aren't so bloody short.

Now, I can't really give you a direct answer in regards to how long I'll be continuing these winded entries. I want to say something on the lines of "this stuff will be here forever" but I can't guarantee that - I mean, someone with a (supposed) case of ADHD can only stay on one course of action for so long before finding something that suits their interests better. There's that issue, and then the issue of potential burnout. Also involved is the factor of allotted time to compose something on here for you all to read. Insert other (pointless) reasons here.

Whatever the case, it's done something for me. And I intend on giving something back.

Well, I'm going to be taking off now. I got a few things to take care of before I go on to work tonight. I'll be seeing y'all later sometime, right? =D

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