Tuesday, February 1, 2011

32 For 32!

32 for 32!

Current Music:
Hideyuku Fukasawa - "Cruise Ship Stern Stage"
Street Fighter IV Original Soundtrack

In my experience, I've usually found it quite entertaining to work with fast-paced, semi-aggressive music when a deadline is imminent*.
This enables me to work faster, concentrate on the job at hand and make the work grind seem less arduous.
Music from fighting games usually ends up being a top choice for me when I need it, since it gets the mind pumped and ready to kick some ass.

And by "ass," I mean "whatever project is standing between me and my freedom to not do anything productive."

Anyway, Street Fighter IV's music really gets the brain cells shocked into work mode, and this track does the job especially well. (The fact that the Cruise Ship is my favorite stage to fight on helps, too. Hehehe.)

* = An "imminent" deadline for me usually is extended to about one week. A nice thing to note is that my frantic nature amplifies in power if the deadline is any shorter.

Keiki Kobayashi - "Rendezvous"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

Namco's famed Ace Combat series also has a way to fuel me up when I need it. However, The Unsung War's primarily-orchestrated sound gives it a different edge than the electronic sound that some games spout.
Listening to this soundtrack usually makes me feel as if I'm in a movie and some crazy battle or something is going on. And if you're in some kind of battle, wouldn't your adrenaline naturally pump you up, anyway?

Of course it would. I mean, if this music makes the job "defend your aircraft carriers from high-speed attack planes" sound more tenuous, then I'm sure this ought to make "finish writing that paper" seem just as intense.

Hello, everyone! Wow, has it really been 32 days in a row since I started this?
Amazing how the time can fly so fast when you're too busy living life and what not.

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