Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Source of The Sickness

As I recovered from my sudden flu-like illness, my mind began to function like it usually does.
And with normal brain function comes simple conclusions as to the source of my ailing.

And no... not that Sickness. That's a whole different kind of Sickness...
(And if you haven't figured out that that was a Disturbed reference, either you're dense or you don't like them. =P)

So Friday night I ended up helping out in the Electronics department for a while.
After clocking out, I headed out and got into my car.
I was about to take off when I noticed that I still had some store electronic keys on me.
So I got out and walked over to the team member entrance and tried ringing the bell.
Took like ten minutes* for someone to respond.
In-between that, I got rained on. Hard. It was stormy all weekend, and getting caught in the open rain just sucked.

* = Five, really, but ten seems like a better-sounding story.

So, for those of you whose parents warn to not get caught in the rain... heed my story and do NOT let yourself get caught in the rain (unless you like that sort of thing). It'll do your health well.

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