Friday, February 25, 2011

Listing the Optimism

It's a sad day when I wake up and totally forget it's a pay day for me.
By all accounts, that usually means that a good 90%+ of it is going straight to bills because the hours on the thing weren't enough.

But that's okay - first quarter of the year's usually like that for the retail world, and after getting over all that jazz (both first quarter and my frighteningly horribly sickness), I foresee a better change coming up in March.

I think it's changing for the better for a few reasons:
  1. Groundhog Day (early spring, woot)
  2. Five Guys for lunch (because any day I eat Five Guys burgers has to be a good day)
  3. I'm not reading a negative vibe from me or the city yet* (...what?)
  4. We're not dead yet (woot - thank your chosen entity here)
  5. ...what was five?
Well, weird reasons, but hey - if it's keeping me upbeat, then it's gotta be good.
And speaking of good, I hope y'all have a good day as well!

* = "'Reading a negative vibe?' Uhm, Josh, what the hell are you smoking?" Nothing. It seems weird, but I usually feel a connection in the air that I can gauge emotions off of. You know how people say they can read the energy coming off from another person... how they can read "vibes" or something like that? Well, as crazy as it sounds, I think I have it a little bit. Granted, it's not the most finely-tuned ability in my arsenal, but I'm usually spot-on when I'm focused enough.

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