Monday, February 7, 2011

Mission Complete... Things Are How They Are...

After some tinkering around, my desk looks... somewhat like it used to about a month ago.
Granted, to those who've seen my room before, they won't notice a thing if they visit, but... I had some changes.

Recently I acquired an LCD monitor that I tried hooking up to my laptop.
My desk currently is a small little thing that can only handle two big electronic devices, and before getting said LCD monitor, I had a laptop (which apparently never moved) and a CRT television set.
I experimented with removing the TV and placing the monitor in its place.
It was great - there was a huge influx of room I gained, and I had a secondary monitor for my laptop!

Of course, there was one problem: the monitor.
For some reason the monitor's preset refresh rate wasn't cooperating with the settings I had (the damn thing flickered like every six seconds), and even after an hour and a half of tinkering with various settings and troubleshooting the issue on the Internet, I couldn't figure it out.

So I decided to take down the monitor and put the TV back up in its old spot.
It looks as though nothing was accomplished, but hey - I know better.

Anyway, I got my mission plan completed - the place is looking cleaner. =)
Who knows - maybe one day if I can figure out how to troubleshoot this stupid monitor, and at the same time get a bigger desk or figure out an insanely awesome desk layout, I might just have an awesome "workstation" where zero work will be done.

Because that's what workstations are for: anything but work.

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