Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do NOT Call It Valentine's Day (in my face)

To those who don't know me, February 14 is not Valentine's Day. Not in my book it isn't.
No, it's something much worse: Singles' Awareness Day (known to some others as SAD).

I refer to Va- Singles' Awareness Day as this because I absolutely LOATHE it.
I have my reasons, but rather that toss them at you and force you to carry my burdens, I'll hold on to them and save you from the wrath.

Needless to say... this holiday is amongst the top tiers of my recently-created "Whitey's Hate List" - a document I will end up revealing over time.

But don't start thinking I'm just going to thrust myself into a depressive state. I've been far too good with morale so far this year to start doing that, so unless something horrible happens, we're all safe.

Plus, I'm in a decent mood right now, too.

So, today's lesson? It's called "Singles' Awareness Day" whenever you're around me (and I will berate and correct you if you fail to mention it as anything but).

And now I'm off to play Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 and watch Cars with a few friends who haven't seen it yet. (insert shocked face here)

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