Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14 - Is It Just Another Day?

I look at the calendar today and take a deep breath, for the floodgates of chaos have opened.

February 14 - the day most countries regard as "Valentine's Day."

A day some others (the singles' crowd, more often than not) instead refer to it as "Singles' Awareness Day."

A day that the apathetic ignore and go about their lives as normal. (I envy them sometimes.)

A day some very few people have the (un)fortunate luck of being born on.

A day that has been over-glorified as THE day to celebrate love. (It isn't.)

A day now capitalized and corrupted by the greeting card, jewelry, confectionery and (in some circles,) lingerie companies that bend the sheep of the world into thinking that shoving pretty-in-pink/red/(insert-in-between-colors-here) crap into the hands of their significant others signifies love.

A day that the more materialistic of these sheep believe in the formula:
"February 14 + Chocolates/Jewelry (anything else, really, but it's usually these two) + Super-Cliché Declaration of (Real) Love = Celebratory Sex"

A day that takes the above formula, discombobulates the order, strips out the "love" factor entirely, and shortens it down to:
"Valentine's-Themed Crap = Sex on February 14"

A day that chivalry, eloquence and honor usually cite as ending dates on their tombstones.

A day where normal people turn into the most vile and diseased of assholes when they stampede their way across their living zones and leave a wake of destruction in search of "that perfect gift" for their significant other. (Retail workers: you can vouch for this.)

A day where "that perfect gift" is completely unnecessary (due to it being give-able on just about any other day of the year) and yet we've been driven into believing "your significant other HAS to get something 'perfect' on this day OR ELSE."

A day retail workers (well, anyone, really, but retail workers get front-row seats) laugh at others who "forgot" to get their significant other "that perfect gift" and turn February 14 into "Winter Holidays: the Sequel" when their aggression rises after realizing they can't get that (insert overstuffed description of some Valentine's-themed object here) and act like those jackass holiday shoppers in response.

A day that sometimes acts as a test to love - a "pass or fail" moment where a relationship (existing, blossoming or potential) is either strengthened or proven to be star-crossed.

A day where the rebellious few who not only celebrate "Valentine's" but actually know what the mythical term "true love" is sneer upon the perceived "sellouts" that subscribe to the two formulas listed above and keep the myth of a dimly-lit torch alive in these morally dark times.

A day where those who view it as "Singles' Awareness Day" flag their true colors - why they choose to follow this alternate path of celebration.

A day where the more vengeful (due to a bitter romance, a recent break-up, immaturity, emotional incompetence, inability to score with anyone, or any antagonistic views on love) of "Singles' Awareness" celebrants treat February 14 akin to a fraternity/sorority party and go on their day blinding themselves from the truth.

A day that the more vengeful who aren't blind amplify their negativity - where levels cynicism and hatred run abnormally high as envy courses its way through their veins as they (openly) express their loathing of this day.

A day that the very few (hopeless) romantics that celebrate "Singles' Awareness" just want others to realize that those whining about relationships and panicking over February 14 have it lucky compared to the genuinely hurt, lost and lonely souls that know the hidden meaning behind today.

A day that said romantics put on a brave face for their friends and family and act completely jovial while the romantic escapades of those around them torture their souls in an incomprehensible way, ripping voids in their hearts and leaving them depressed in the dark.

A day where I...

*sigh* I can't finish that sentence. As much as I want to take my own mask of happiness and put in on for the sake of not destroying everyone else's day, I know that this day is taxing on the psyche.

By finishing that sentence, I think it would just leave me...

*snaps fingers* That's it!

A day where I... vulnerable.

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