Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dawning Character

It's been a long while since I've pulled an all-nighter. The last time I did was probably over a year ago, when I wasn't so old and crazy.

In the past, I've noted that whenever I was awake for more than 20 hours in a row, my mental processes seemed to be more honed in on tasks I'm willingly performing at the time (more often than not writing). Summarily, that brainpower peaks off at around 30 to 36 hours before capitulating to mental fatigue. Once I hit 42 hours*, I begin to lose all sense of reality and dive into the deep end of delirium as my body begins to shut down.

I've only gone past 42 once in my life (52 hours is my current record, achieved during Spring Break 2006 in my junior year of high school), and the only thing I could recall from that experience was that I slept like a log for a good 10-14 hours afterwards.

As of this moment (read: 0545), I'm logged in at about 19 hours, so if I'm able to coherently type a portion of this spiel up before my brain supposedly gains its second wind, it makes me wonder what I'll accomplish this morning...

BoA - "Eat You Up"

Boa Kwon... the Queen of Korean Pop. You have to be some kind of musical royalty when you're the second person to have six consecutive Number One albums listed in Oricon (Japan's equivalent of America's Billboard) and to be the only non-Japanese Asian to have three said albums be top hits in Japan.

Statistic digression aside, she's pretty damn good. I remember watching the music video for "Eat You Up" over a year ago at Pacific Media Expo, thinking, "I should learn how to dance. It'd be fun to pull off some dance moves when songs I like blare out loud somewhere."

Yeah, you read that right. I can't help it; the song's catchy like that. *shrugs*

Harry Gregson-Williams - "Virtuous Mission"
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Original Soundtrack

When I first saw the golden sun rays trickle through my window blinds, I instantly thought of this track.
In particular, I envisioned this Snake Eater cutscene in my head... and not just because it has a sunrise in it.
No, there's no spoilers - it's the opening cinematic.

With WinAmp set to play all my music at random (at least at the time this popped up), it makes me wonder if my computer's speaking to me. "Spread your wings and fly! God be with you!"

Keiki Kobayashi - "15 Years Ago"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

What a fitting track to see the sunrise with...

Surprisingly, that's all I have to say for this piece. If you ever catch the sun rising from the east, play this track and you'll see why I only said that...

TeddyLoid - "Theme for Scanty & Kneesocks"
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt: The Original Soundtrack

Odds are that with this music listing, I've raised a few eyebrows. Scratch that; I probably raised almost every eyebrow.
To the vast majority who're still attempting to comprehend the name of that soundtrack: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is an anime released in August 2010 about a sisterly pair of fallen angels named Panty and Stocking (yes, that's their names) fighting otherworldly forces on Earth while under the supervision of a minister named Garterbelt (challenge: try picturing a black guy with an afro... without showing any sign of amusement or disbelief). Now, by "fallen," I mean "fallen so far from Heaven because they're the ultimate form of lust and gluttony incarnate" - which alone makes this series the most outlandishly indecent anime I've yet to see.
Introduced to me by a friend quite recently, I can't help but watch now - it's just ridiculous (that's honestly the best description I can summarize the show with), and the animation style hits me with a wave of nostalgia (paying homage to the style of North American cartoons).

I'm digressing. *clears throat*
The series' electronic/dance soundtrack meshes perfectly well with the show, and I have to say that some of the stuff seems club-worthy in my book (meaning I could dance along with it).
And during a recent test: worthy of becoming street racing nightlife driving background music.

Good morning, everyone!* Welcome to the first morning post of The white Knight Chronicles by yours truly!
As explained in the introduction, this is the first time in a long while that I've pulled off an all-nighter.
More often than not, I end up forcing myself to fall asleep after I pull off whatever I was staying up for, but every once in a blue moon, I force myself to stay awake until I deem otherwise... often for no real reason.

In my bout of staying up and being unable to sleep, I figured that I could just type a little something up and entertain the more... morning-oriented people... who read this. Hey, I have to expand my horizons and potential reader base to people who prefer a live blog in the "AM" time department.

Oh, and speaking of time: the timestamp below lies. While "Dawning Character" was posted at the time it states, I actually began working on this entry at around 0501 - over six hours ago. Hey, I get distracted easily...

* = "Good morning" are words that - for the past two years - have never come out of my mouth. Feels foreign and completely out of place - like that gap in your gums when one of your teeth have been recently pulled... or the concept of a main character in a Star Wars film getting fatally hit with blaster fire... or New Jersey.

First things first: me answering the one question that's probably on your minds. Granted, it'll vary with language and wording, but it'll sound somewhat close to "Why the [insert expletive string of your choice here] am I up this early?"
I want to throw a likely hypothesis of insomnia, but my caffeine and sugar levels would probably summarize otherwise. (I still think insomnia played a part, though... >>)

A bit of explanation: when it comes to my body and stimulants such as sugar and caffeine, I respond quite well with the placebo effect.
For example, take your average 12oz. can of regular Mountain Dew, one of the most common and readily available sources for large doses of caffeine and sugar.
I can look at that can at around 2000 hrs. and down it while thinking, "This thing will keep me going all night." The night passes by as I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing, and by 0500, I'm finally starting to doze off.
Conversely, I can look at that same can at the same time and down it while thinking, "This ain't gonna work." Sure enough, around 2100, I'm drooling unconsciously on my laptop* and will probably be like that for the next ten hours.

Last night was one of those nights where I told myself the raw energy ingested earlier that day would keep me up for a "late night" (read: sometime around 0400).
I had some writing to take care of as well as music I needed sorted, but most importantly, I needed to clear a huge portion of my hard drive since all the used-up memory's been clogging much-needed space.
So I downed a few sodas and one bottled iced tea, and before I knew it, the clock was ticking near 0500.
I thought, holy crap. I could actually pull off an all-nighter.
That pretty much explains why I've been up, but for what end purpose? Those projects could only entertain me for so long before boredom or burnout flamed up, and as of this moment, I'm still working on this.


* = I've done this once. It was on my old lappy about three years back... back when I had an XP-powered Fujitsu with about 45 columns of dead pixels. Good thing it was on that laptop... the thing was going to die anyway...

Second topic for today's entry: what's with the sudden fascination with the sunrise?
Well, truth be told: I've always wanted t-

...uh, you didn't read anything there. No self-censorship on my part here. None whatsoever.

A-Anyway, there's something quite interesting about watching the sun rise.
Similarly, the same can be said about watching the sun set.
I know - it sounds like clichés straight out of overtly clichéd movies and what not - but yet it's there for a reason.
I've sat down to watch the sun set once - years ago - and I found it to be one of the most breathtaking and captivating moments I've witnessed. The fact that I did this at an oceanic beach just makes it filled with more wonder and awe than a regular sunset would.

I'd like to do the same with a sunrise - except I'm here in the west coast of the United States.
Perhaps a road trip to the Atlantic seaboard is in order...

(Author's Note: Intermission! Food time! *goes off to buy breakfast*)

So, with that author's note, here comes the third topic of the morning (wow, still feels weird to write): breakfast... at breakfast time.
With my sleep patterns, the concept seems almost alien to me. That, and I haven't had a great breakfast lately (which also seems alien to me).
So at around a quarter to eight, I drove out to get myself a hearty plate of biscuits and gravy (me likey Southern-style breakfasts) and came back to work on some more music sorting, and in the process I totally forgot about today's entry. I shut off my laptop and restarted so the freed memory could register with the system.
Fortunately for me, Blogger has an auto-save feature for draft entries, so my work on this entry was saved.

I normally don't do slip-ups like that, so I'm going to go ahead and pin the blame on breakfast. Damn you, biscuits and gravy! Your deliciousness that got me to go into a food coma made me almost lose some serious data.

Well, that's my morning rant for you all. I'll bid you adieu for the day... and I'll probably end up continuing to stay up (mostly because I have nothing better to do). I'll catch you all later... at work or at food or something. Or tomorrow when I post.


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