Friday, April 1, 2011

A Pre-Weekend Confession

This is a very important entry, because this is the 91st one on this blog. Isn't that exciting?
I'm sure good things are going to happen today, because - let's face it - I've been in a great mood lately, and...
...I'm sure cool things will happen today, tomorrow, and maybe from here on out.

Of course, such good things don't come without its share of bad things.
There's a few things I've been hiding from people (even though lots of people know lots of things about me already), and I think that a good day's a good time to talk about them.

*deep breath* Okay, here goes.
For security reasons, I had the confession hidden, so if you want to know, just highlight the next few lines.

Sometimes, when I fall asleep at night, I think about...
...NOTHING. Like hell I'd admit some terrible, deep, dark secret to all o' y'all.  

And if you're highlighting this, too, I'm willing to bet you kinda saw this coming, didn't you?

Well, that's it. I'll see y'all later or something.

Oh, and watch out for yourselves. You don't wanna get pranked...

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