Monday, April 11, 2011

A Written Dilemma

The start of another week... or in my book, the end of one.* Let's see what's in store for today.

* = You know you've worked too long in retail when you look forward to Mondays instead of Fridays. No more weekend rushes, right?

30 Seconds to Mars - "Escape"
This Is War

This Is War's opening track sets the mood quite perfectly for the entire album.
What makes it even better is its sound - when I saw them last year, they appropriately used "Escape" as their first song. The feel of it just makes it like a "loading" sort of piece.

And the best part is that the whole album feels like a warzone, with "Escape" as the morale-raising words a commander says to his troops right before they charge into the front lines.

Afternoon, everyone. It feels weird saying that right when you wake up, but then again, my sleep pattern for last night was... well, weird to begin with.
I fell asleep at around 0215 and woke up around 1030, but I felt so lazy that I just closed my eyes and started daydreaming.
Sure enough, I slipped back into sleep - repeatedly - and woke up at 1135ish, 1240ish and 1330ish, getting up after the third reawakening.

While I still have that post-awakening fatigue (you know - the fatigue one feels within the first 20-30 minutes after waking up), once it wears off I can foresee a surprising amount of energy within me for the day.
Which is good, because I have work tonight (gee, when do I not?) and I can bet that I'm going to need it.

Well, apart from that fatigue and work, there's not much else on my plate.

...except for this sudden urge to fight my lethargy and work on a project.
However, that plate has a gazillion objects on it, so we'll just focus on the writing part of that plate.

*about 20% of the plate grays out*

...dammit. *laughs* Well, okay, that's some of it knocked out.
All the major ideas that've been on the backburner are going to be the ones I'm going to want complete focus on, so here's my choices thus far...

- Unincorporated (Street Fighter-based fan-fiction)
Every once in a while, I've found myself drawing up old MS Word documents and I find a semi-structured list of chapter summaries for this project.
I haven't posted anything on since November 2009, and I think I should change that.

- Shock Squad BETA (Halo 3 machinima)
Since its revised inception about two years ago, BETA has triumphantly held the spot of "potential magnum opus" - but without a complete script, it's not going to get there.
I think it's the whole "work eats my time" thing, but...

- some random satire paper I'll make people read (and they will love it whether they'll admit it or not)
Every once in a while I end up ranting to the point where I stop and think, "Hey, this actually sounds like something I'd like to rant about on paper!"
I end up doing that, look at it, and go, "Wow. It's like reading a humorous op-ed piece - and I like reading those. I'm sure people do, too!"
Then I remember that this is America - nobody reads. I feel like writing something anyway. People were fans of my work in high school... but the question is: if I start up writing again, will they still be?

- a poem of some kind
I've always had a soft spot for poetry. I've composed a few decent ones and have one major one sitting on the backburner - one I've been tempted to finish for a long time...

- an original story of some kind
With all the hilarious (read: "confusing") "what if" stories I tell my friends, I'm surprised I haven't just gone on and penned some equally hilarious (read: "confusing") stand-alone story.

- Duskchaser (working title) (a screenplay I was working on over a year ago)
My friends who beta-read it for me said they liked the concept and idea, but my perfectionist streak kept saying something was wrong with the content and the dialogue...

- a brand-new screenplay
...and then my mind tells me to start a new movie. Greaaaaat. That means two ideas on backburners... but then again, another script sounds cool.

- some other new writing project
But hey, anything is possible. What if there's something else?

Oh, the choices...

So, to help me decide, I put up a poll on the right side asking you, my readers (if you exist... =P) to input your suggestion. The poll's going to close once Thursday passes. Please vote so that when I get sushi with a bunch of friends on Friday, I can announce what's going on!

Until the 'morrow, everyone!

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