Sunday, August 14, 2011

Five Ways to Disallow Success

Mind you, today's entry is a bit of self-affirmation and is no way a demotivational entry.
I simply... wish to wish failure... failure. =D

Hideyuki Fukasawa - "Theme of Dudley (SFIV Arrange)"
Super Street Fighter IV Game Music Recording [Fan Soundtrack]

One of my favorite pieces from the Street Fighter series, "Theme of Dudley (SFIV Arrange)" is a piece that works in multiple settings. Obviously it belongs to a fighting game as background music, but it also works as montage music for a trip to a casino and even as actual dance music.

Junichi Nakatsuru - "Reprisal"
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Original Soundtrack

As I'm in a jovial mood today, I think I needed something that matched. However, it couldn't be just simple, cheery and lighthearted - since my next day off (and my birthday, no less) is so close, the music had to be something that got me pumped and ready to kick some ass.

Enter "Reprisal" - one of those musical pieces that just make everything more awesome. I swear, if you have this playing in the background while you're doing something - be it an epic military mission to launch counteractive chemical weapons to something more tedious like writing some term paper to something even more mundane like waiting in line at the local Department of Motor Vehicles - it will feel much more epic.

Today is day five, which means I'm now entering the home stretch of this seven day block that I've been counting down for. Well, technically, I'm counting up, but eh.

I'm excited. I'll be celebrating my birfday soon, and yet I have no idea as to how I'll be doing that. Hell, I'm excited over the fact that I'm excited! (Typo on purpose.)

So, why the title? Probably because I don't feel like succumbing to the normalized depression I usually get this time of year. Probably because I'm not going to let work or any negative thing get in my war path to celebration. Probably because I had nothing better to put up. Despite the theories, I know it had to do with the fact that I'm still using the whole numeric metaphor counting sequence. Just wait until day seven when I stop that.

(Yes, there's a "five" reference in the title. THREE of them, actually. Kudos to whoever figures out what all three are.)

So let's see... I have work today, and I have an idea as to what I'll be doing later tonight. (Yes, the answer is "more work."

Will tonight attempt to take away my jovial mood? Probably.

Will it succeed?

No. (English / Spanish)
Hindi. (Tagalog)
Nein. (German)
Nyet. (Russian)
いいえ。 (Japanese - Romaji equivalent: "iie")

So here goes... tonight's adventures await us! Until the 'morrow!

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