Friday, August 12, 2011

Echoes of Sanguine Preparations

Before we begin, I just want to say a few things and explain why today's entry is titled like it is.

A decent portion of today's entry focuses on and is inspired partly by my supposed ability of aura-reading, which would be grouped under the umbrella term of "extra-sensory perception." As such, I felt that I should refer to it with the title. Not only does "Echoes of Sanguine Preparations" share the same acronym letters with each other ("ESP"), but it also reflects the energy I picked up.

Anyone with a predilection for elaborate words probably picked up what I meant by now. Of course, that can't possibly be the only thing I'm referring to with the title. (If you already knew that coming in, then good for you!) Look at the two previous entries (specifically: their titles) and notice the numbers. Now ask yourself: how many letters are there in "ESP?"

*raises eyebrow* I'm sneaky like that. Yes, yes. Long (and not boring) dialogue aside, let's start today's entry!

Insert Rupee - "Precious Metals (Goldenrod City)"
Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks [OverClocked Remix Album]

Goldenrod City has been one of my favorite cities to visit in the Pokémon games. It had its own unique theme which ended up being quite catchy in my book. Listening to this piece just brings me back to those ol' days where I raised a team of butt-kicking Pokémon on Silver Version.

Bear McCreary - "Prelude to War"
Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Soundtrack

As the title would suggest, "Prelude to War" is perfect musical piece to accompany any conflict - specifically the opening campaign/mission maneuvers or the preparatory actions to steel oneself for said impending campaign/mission.

I felt that "Prelude to War" fit today's mood. Something's coming, and it's best to be prepared for whatever it is.

Michiru Yamane - "The Tragic Prince"
Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight Original Game Soundtrack

This is one of my favorite pieces from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night's soundtrack. It starts off with a string fanfare before giving way to a rock-oriented sound. It's a shame it only played through a small portion of Dracula's Castle.

Evening, readers. Welcome to today's entry of The White Knight Chronicles. I know, I know - a decent entry out of the blue? And I didn't even warn you about it? WHOA![1]

Entering a Sanctimonious Perimeter
(I already lectured you on today's metaphor; don't make me do it again.)

I've mentioned before that I believe I have some sort of extra-sensory perception. Call me crazy or whatever, but I believe I do. Plus, since I'm already crazy eccentric crazy[2], I can pretty much say anything I want with little to no consequence.

Since last week, I've been picking up negative energy emanating from an unknown source. Originally, I believed that it was originating from my birthday and its relatively close proximity.[3] So far, that hasn't been the case - I have yet to be dreading my birthday like I used to years ago.

That leaves a few ideas, and while they're rock-solid theories, I can't quite put my finger on any single one as the source of this mystifying negative energy. Let me list the other theories - perhaps if one of you is brave enough, you might contribute to my thought process:

- work
This was one of my opening ideas, but I'm somewhat certain that Target's not the source of this void. Granted, the issue of a severe lack of hours would make it look like the overall morale of the store is going to Hell in a handbasket. That, combined with a string of closing nights that were anything but good, would easily set off a torrent of negativity amongst my fellow team members. Despite this, I don't think this is the source - the energy that radiates from my Target seems to differ from this particular brand of void.

- getting myself "irradiated" from splash damage
Think of an artillery shell making impact in the dead center of a tropical hut. Obviously, anyone inside the shelter would be killed instantly, but that's not what we're focusing on. Every explosion (no matter the source) gives off a shock wave that is potentially as lethal as the explosion it originated from. Going back to the example, this means that if you were standing about five yards away from the hut, you'd not only be exposed to hut shrapnel, but you would be knocked over (or worse) from the explosion. Gamers like myself know this as "splash damage." Similarly, if anyone within my proximity get hit hard with some kind of emotional energy, I get some of the splash. It's possible that I could be getting residue from someone's very bad day, or a plethora of people who just had a bad moment (though not at the same time).

- some unknown source that I'm somehow picking up or am being purposefully targeted by
This was option three. It's entirely possible that I'm reading something I've yet to discover, and if that's the case, it's both exciting and scary.

It could very well be that I'm on the money with one of these ideas, and it could very well be that I'm totally off and walking into a trap of some kind. No matter - I'm not the one broadcasting energy so... pessimistic.

Heroic Triumph over Evil
(Or: me talking about Symphony of the Night after I beat it an hour ago.)

I'll be frank: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is the only Castlevania game I've played. Despite this, I'm very fond of the game and love it quite so much. Fans of the series and fans of Symphony alike remember it for the fun side-scrolling RPG-esque style of the game. I remember it for the memorable opening dialogue, which (along with some of the other conversations,) have entered gamer culture.

Richter Belmont: Die monster! You don't belong in this world!
Dracula: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.
Richter Belmont: "Tribute?" You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!
Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
Richter Belmont: Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!
Dracula: What is a man!? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk... have at you!

Dracula's last line in particular is a favorite amongst the gamer community.[4] It makes me want to write a philosophical paper on the question (and his answer), but for now, I'll hold off.

Ideas, Schmideas
(A preview of a preview of things to come...)

I've been cooking up some ideas, and I'm excited to say that most are in the stage where they're about to be served (sparingly) to the community. That means you! Sometime over the next week, one of my entries here will focus on these ideas. Who know what wonders and absurdities I'll be presenting to y'all as time passes?

Maybe I should make sure I'm okay to present all of this.


1 ^ [Opening Paragraphs] That "WHOA!" sounds like a mock-Keanu Reeves "Whoa!" Kinda like the "Whoa!" everyone muttered when The Matrix first came out.

2 ^ [Entering a Sanctimonious Perimeter] One of my work friends said to me: "You have to be rich in order to be eccentric." While I don't believe in that (I've already been described as eccentric numerous times before now), he did have a bit of a point.

3 ^ [Entering a Sanctimonious Perimeter] Check the entry from three days ago, "Bolshoi Tavieda!" Scroll down to the section "The Seven Day Countdown to... Something" and read on to find out what I meant. No auto-link for you, either - read!

4 ^ [Heroic Triumph over Evil] Take this comic, for instance. Keep Dracula's last line in mind. Ahehehe.

If you're not already sick from the metaphor of three, then look up at the three things I talked about. Oh, WAIIIIT. Okay, I'll stop. No more metaphors of three; I promise. =P

Anyway, as I have a get-together to get to, I'll have to leave you with this for now. Enjoy this entry until the 'morrow!

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