Thursday, August 11, 2011

Two Days, Two Topics

Something doesn't feel right with the city. It could be the auras and energy that the whole population is vibing, or it could be some sort of ominous wind blowing through. At the same time, maybe it's just day two messing with me. I can't really say for certain what it is, but all I know is that it doesn't feel good.

Apart from supposed extra-sensory perception, I have been a tad busy. My friends have gotten into a Castlevania: Harmony of Despair craze, and I wanted to join in. I don't have an XBox 360, however, so I decided to participate in a different way: a new file on the PlayStation epic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I told myself I wouldn't be using any outside help this time (last time I did, I had friends guide me and everything, and when they weren't around, GameFAQs filled in the rest), so this'll be an interesting run this time around.

I'd be playing Symphony of the Night some more, but alas, I have work. I must prepare for it, and I must sit there, going "Yay" with a dreary and wary tone. Maybe I'll figure out what this ominous feeling is tomorrow... maybe I won't. Regardless, that's when I'll see y'all 'round. Until the 'morrow!

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