Monday, August 15, 2011

Sixth Sense: Reliving a Gluttonous Past

Day six! Only a mere set of hours more until the coolest day of the year! (For me, at least.)

(Author's Note: Anyone see the "sixth" metaphor? =D)

The Crystal Method - "Weapons of Mass Distortion"
Legion of Boom

Excellent electronica music usable in a variety of situations, ranging from combat to racing to a montage of preparatory actions.

The way this piece opens up and inspires me to finish this last day with a bang. Mind you, I'm not talking about explosions or sex, but rather a dramatic and triumphant performance that gets me through that final stretch and leaves any opposition bewildered in the dust.

Muse - "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)"
The Resistance

I've been a bit of a sucker for orchestrated anything. Notably, this would apply to orchestrated video game music played live, but anything is fair game.

Enter "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)", the antepenultimate track to Muse's most recent album The Resistance. All three parts of the overall "Exogenesis" symphony possess an almost-operatic feel to them. Between Matthew Bellamy's vocals and the combination of both classical and rock instruments, the track makes for a great piece to listen to if you're driving at night in a quiet road.

Ron Wasserman - "Go Go Power Rangers"
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Album: A Rock Adventure

Yeah, you're reading that right. Most people who grew up as kids in the '90s know this song and if not, they definitely know the famous riff originating from here. I'm guilty of blaring this from my car very loudly, and to say I've gotten some weird looks from random passerby would be a gross understatement. Makes me wanna randomly yell "IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!" =D

"A man or woman is seldom happy unless he or she is sustaining him or herself and making a contribution to others."
- Zig Ziglar

I find this to be true. My happiness stemming from this year has been the result of somewhat adhering to this quote. Due to me being more self-appreciative and a tad more contributory, I think I've improved my morale.

Could this be why I'm excited for a birthday which technically has no real "importance" in the American mindset?[1] Probably. *shrugs* Regardless, it's a good thing to be happy.

Hello, readers! Welcome, one and all, to the LAST entry on The White Knight Chronicles that I will be making as a 21-year-old. Like, forever. Once you finish reading this, it will only be a matter of time (hours, really) before I cease to be 21 and instead become 22!

Of course, this is from a technical standpoint - I'm not sure exactly when I was officially born[2] - but since when have technicalities stopped me from doing anything?

That's right: never. (At least I think it was never. =P)

Anyway, I was originally going to post some meaningful spiel on how I think I improved in the 365 past days I spent officially being 21 as compared to the year prior. I didn't want to type that whole speech-and-a-half out bore the living daylights out of you, so instead of something... let's just say "meaningful," you'll have to deal with something more entertaining. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

A Comparison of Then and Now
("Proof" I'm not that much of a greedy son-of-a-bitch. Anymore. I think. *coughs and scratches head*)

For lack of a better thing to post for today, I figured I'd compare my birthday wish list from this year as compared to the one I had on Facebook for last year.

To make things easier (so the lazy bums out there too tired to click this link that takes you to this year's birthday wish list), here's what I want this year:

22nd Ransom Demands:
(AKA: Josh's Birthday Wish List)

If you think that was asking for much, then you didn't know me at all back then. I'll admit, I'm a bit materialistic, but I have two counters for that:
  1. We all are materialistic at some level. Don't you try and be all sanctimonious with me. (Ever heard of "every man for himself?"[3])
  2. BIRFDAY. Free pass. Nyah. (Oh, and I passed "Go." *collects $200 from the bank*)
Honestly, if you think my demands seem to be a bit on the heavy and pricey side, just take a look at the aforementioned birthday list I slapped on Facebook for last year's birthday:

Whitey's 21st LEGEN- - ...wait for it... -DARY Birthday Wish List of AWESOME
(This title was NOT influenced by Barney Stinson at all. But that guy's awesome. =P)

(NOTE: None of this is in any preferential order. But everything's bolded so that you can see what I want AND so you know that it's of dire importance for me to have. "But everything's bolded, Josh!" you exclaim. "Does that mean you want everything!?" Why, yes. =P)

(NOTE 2: None of this actually HAS to be given to me. If I'm presented with an awesome day where I don't mull down some depressing train of thought, I'm sated (as far as you know?). But gifts are always a nice bonus. =3)

(Author's Note: The previous two notes were on the list on Facebook. Just thought I'd let you know.)

- vuvuzela
Despite the disappointing end of the 2010 FIFA World Cup (I was rooting for Deutschland), one thing will never leave my mind. The sound of the sound that sounds (say that five times fast) like bees buzzing and annoying the hell out of everyone has stuck with me forever.
And now I want to spread the misery to all.[4]

But seriously, this'd be fun to have. I don't know why, but... it would.

- money
Well, gee, I wonder what I could possibly use with this. BILLS. RENT. Not heroin. Random crap to keep me alive. World of Warcraft. CAR INSURANCE. Gas. Food. Oh, did I say BILLS?

- a new camera
The lens on mine broke for good. Pictures appear fuzzy, it won't zoom - hell, it won't retract when I turn the damn thing off. And if people expect me to be a filmographer for their projects and organizations, how am I supposed to do it without the necessary gear?[5]

- a Mekgineer's Chopper
IF for some reason you decided to get me one... then wow. Thanks. =D
Send it to my rogue Gefallen (US-Tichondrius ~ Alliance).

- a high-capacity MP3 player (preferably an iPod Classic 5th/6th Gen 60GB+ or something similar)
As venerable as my Creative ZEN Vision:W has been (Finally died after four years in the line of duty. Wow. Godspeed, little guy.), it's slowly fading out. Battery lasts for... possibly an hour TOPS... and that's if it stays on the unit. It's literally falling apart.

As much as I don't want to, I decided that an iPod would probably be the best replacement. Currently, nobody makes any high capacity MP3 players anymore, and iPods seem to be the only ones left in the market that fit my requirements (high capacity, venerable battery life, ease of use). Sure, I'd have to grind against it (what, with it being an Apple product and the fact that I'd be forced to use iTunes...[6]), but... beggars can't be choosers.

- a winning lottery ticket/scratcher worth over $10,000

- sushi
Whether it be a trip to a sushi bar or homemade, it'll be amazing. And tasty.

- a vuvuzela
"But wait, Josh," you say; "you already said vuvuzela!"
Why, yes I did. I'm just putting it down twice so that you know I'm dead serious about wanting one. Think of it this way: whoever gets me one will forever be immune from a random vuvuzela drive-by[7] I might do one random evening... =P

- a PlayStation 3
Valkyria Chronicles. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. Katamari Forever. BlazBlue: Continnum Shift.

What did all of those games I just list have in common? If your answer sounded anything like "I'm not a gamer; I don't give a shit," then GET THE FUCK OUT. However, if your answer sounded anything like "They're PS3 games," then a pat on the back for you. But if your answer sounded anything like "Hey, those're pretty cool PS3 games, but why would Whitey want 'em if he doesn't have a PS3? OH... he WANTS one. Maybe I should get him one," then... =D

- any (or all, if you're THAT awesome =P) of the following Figma:
  • Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion)
  • Kagami Hiiragi (Lucky Star) (either her winter or summer uniform)
  • Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
  • Aigis (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)
  • Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

On my way to my vacation to San Diego last year I stopped by Little Tokyo (the route I was taking was actually an exit away from where I usually get off, so I figured "What the hell?"). Sadly, no Figma figurines I was looking for. >_<

I've been trying to hunt down the Lucky Star cast for quite some time, but Kagami's my priority. No dice on her, and no dice on anyone else. And now that I learned about Aigis and Lelouch... ooh, even more desire to have more Figma. So if you decide to get me a birthday gift and stop by any (Japanese) store that just so happens to sell Figma, keep an eye out on the ones I mentioned. =)

- a birthday party
I don't think I've had one proper since I was... oh, God, I can't even remember. Yeah, I know I'm being a bit of a selfish glutton here - I've had those little celebrations with friends and what not, and they were great; I'm not gonna lie - but we all turn 21, and there's certain things I don't feel like doing. For instance... *deep breath*

(Sadly, I actually know of someone who recently did that for their 21st. How depressing.)


So, I think we should combat that somehow. Apparently there's people out there with some sinister psychologically-demoralizing[8] thoughtful ideas that they want to come to fruition... and apparently there's also people out there who just want to get me drunk. Either way, despite the pessimism I have about the matter, I still have this hope that someone's planning something. It'd be nice... =/

- a laser tag all-nighter
Now THIS would be a blast to have. From what I researched, the local laser tag place does a lock-in thing. Requires a minimum of 50 people for the lock-in and it's $20 a pop (making it $1,000+ for those of you too lazy to do the math). Thing is, here's what that $20 gets you:
  • unlimited laser tag missions
  • unlimited arcade
  • unlimited soda
  • pizza (one for every two people)
And apparently, if you pay 'em a bit more, they'll allow alcohol on the premises (assuming we'd be responsible and clean up after ourselves). I WANT IN. Hell, this doesn't even have to be a birthday present. This could be the "birthday party" as listed above... or it could be a bunch of people getting together for one night of tactical mayhem (and yes, there will be dramatic battles).

- a random, surprise daytrip to somewhere I'd enjoy
Now this is a fun gamble for you risk-takers. Dragging me to somewhere I'd enjoy? Oh, what fun could be had. Hell, keep it a surprise - if you wanted until the last second when you shove me into the car! (Just don't prod me with sharp objects or gas me unconscious if I initially refuse. That'll be a story to tell to the police... =P)

- some sort of bumper sticker that supports the Alliance
Most gamers I know (or at least the World of Warcraft players) won't even touch anything Alliance-friendly with a ten-foot pole. To those people: I'm sorry, but I'm a proud supporter of the Alliance. Scream "Lok'tar ogar!" all you want, but I will not be fazed (though I have to admit, though... Orcish > Common. =P).

Anyway, this would probably be an easy gift, and I actually wouldn't feel bad if multiple people got me this (I can always throw it on something else, or keep 'em on reserve for a new car or for something I have to slap as mine. I'm pretty sure Hot Topic or has a few. Just FYI.

- anything that supports the Alliance, for that matter
A wallet... a keychain... a cute little gryphon plushie... whatever else is out there... though I don't necessarily need any of it, I do want it. Hehehe. Again, Hot Topic or for gift idea starters.

- a Colt Single Action Army (.45LC)
Everyone celebrates their 21st by grabbing their IDs and making an overconfident trip to the liquor store. I'll do that, too. Except replace "liquor store" with "gun shop" and add a comma and the word "Gunslinger" after my name.

- a Grand Slam from Denny's
Oh, wait. I'm getting one already. WOO FOR FREE BIRTHDAY GRAND SLAM!

- a freshly-made Pizookie
While this could mean a treated-out lunch/dinner to B.J.'s, you can avoid that if you're a good cook (or order one to-go and personally deliver it to me within the hour). White chocolate and macadamia nut is preferred. =D

- a fun, carefree day
Now, should one of you fuck this one up... wow. Seriously, WHO fucks up someone's 21st? Idiots, that's who. Are you an idiot? No; didn't think so. Don't fuck this up. ^^

- the responsibilities of becoming the (un)official Designated Driver for everyone I know
It's already been established that this was gonna happen eventually. We just need all of us at multiple parties. With me there. Totally sober. And you not convulsing all over my car if you're the guy/gal hitching a ride home. =P

- coverage for a full tune-up for my car
I got my oil changed last month, but I think Chari's[9] in (almost-dire) need of a tune-up. My plan was once I had a decent amount of cash, I'd take her in to the shop, but it's money or nada in today's world, and I only have nada.

- anything else you can think of that I'd like
Heh. I'll leave this one in your (hopefully) capable hands. =P

- better luck
Psh. Like that's likely.

- ...OTHER... ...STUFF...
Like I'd tell you. Are you THAT desperate?[10]

...see? I've improved over the past year! (Somewhat, yes, but let's not talk about partial credit and where the lines blur.) My list isn't as demanding as it used to be, but it's just as silly and random.

Now, my question to you is: who's going to chip in? =P


^ [Quote of the Day] In my opinion, there's only eight "big" birthdays:
  • 10 (double-digits)
  • 13 (beginning of teenage years)
  • 15/16 (coming of age)
  • 18 (legalized adulthood / coming of age)
  • 21 (legalized age to booze it up worldwide)
  • 25 (U.S. auto insurance perks / legalized car rental age)
  • 50 (Half a centenarian!)
  • 100 ("Holy [insert expletive here]; I made it this far!?")

2 ^ [Opening Paragraphs] If memory serves me correctly, I think my birth certificate said I was born around... 2200ish. A mere two hours until I couldn't say I was born in the dead center of a month with no major American holiday. If anything, August heralds the impending school year closing in at an astonishingly fast pace. Yay, school. *le sigh*

3 ^ [A Comparison of Then and Now] No, I don't mean the supposedly-overpowered racial ability Humans have. Or maybe I do, because having control of your character can be everything in a PvP scenario. Damn, I need to play on my Rogue again...

4 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: Vuvuzela] Not even Gandalf could escape the might of the vuvuzela...

5 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: New Camera] That was then. Now I just want a camera so I can record memories down visually. With pictures. And video. And audio. And awesomeness.

6 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: High-Capacity MP3 Player] Currently using an iPod Classic 160GB as my MP3 player. Here's the fun part: I'm using WinAmp to sync it with my laptop. Huzzah!

7 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: Vuvuzela (Part 2)] What is a "vuvuzela drive-by," you ask? Here's how it works:
  1. Get a spacious vehicle to drive around in.
  2. Throw in a bunch of vuvuzela-armed people who feel like doing this and a driver willing to put up with said vuvuzela-armed people.
  3. Drive up to a target's current location (e.g.: work, home, significant other's house).
  4. Use protection! Wear earplugs!
  5. Blast those vuvuzelas 'til kingdom come (or until someone runs out raging).
  6. Drive away as fast as possible, cackling maniacally.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 ad nauseam.
My promise is that whoever arms me with a vuvuzela (or participates with me when I do a vuvuzela drive-by) will forever be immune from any vuvuzela drive-by I plot in the future. The offer still stands, by the way - I mean, I'm still asking for one...

8 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: Birthday Party] "Psychologically-demoralizing?" Yeah. There's people out there who plotted one of the most evil/amazing nights I'll probably ever have. Most of it was stuff I normally wouldn't do. =O

9 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: Car Tune-Up] "Wait, Josh: wasn't 'Chari' the name of your Blood Elf Paladin?" Yes. She got her name from my car - also named Chariselle. I've had this name for years, and I have the Facebook entry to prove it. *narrows eyes* Don't you dare steal it from me.

10 ^ [Whitey's 21st Birthday Wish List: OTHER... STUFF...] No, this has NOTHING to do with fruitless and once-hopeless romantic dreams! Nothing of the sort at all! *glances across the room in a panic* ...w-why is everyone staring at me like that!?

So, until the 'morrow, everyone. I bid you adieu as a 21-year-old... and the next time you'll see me, I shall be a year older! *cackles*

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