Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Amusing the Muses' Muse

Yeah, the title seems to cover the two things I wanted y'all to know:
  • I've been thinking too much about something. (People who know me: you know this isn't a good thing. =P)
  • I was listening to Muse for the majority of this entry.

Current Music:
Muse - "Undisclosed Desires"
I'm going to be straightforward to you all about my thoughts on this song. I... feel as if I have an emotional connection with this one.
Granted, Muse is just bombtastic with a good amount of their music, but... for some reason this just hit me pretty hard when I analyzed the lyrics.
My take on the meaning? The singer is speaking to someone they care for. Said someone probably experienced some emotional trauma in their past and thus built up an array of defensive mechanisms - isolationism, sarcasm, iciness... perhaps even violence - all in the name of trauma prevention. The singer explains that they are willing to be with them... to heal them... to genuinely love them...

...a hero(ine) and his/her wounded prince(ss)...

So I was rifling through some old notebooks I found in my storage unit earlier today.
These originate from various eras of my life and have been used for multiple reasons - high school, post-high school, homework, random doodles and scribbles.
A lot of stories, scripts, comics, drabbles and what have you that I never got around to finishing.
Lots of lost memories and papers... surfacing through my brain and reminding me how crazy I was back then to think up all of these ideas...

It got me thinking... maybe I should go through my hard drive and dust off a few of my old projects.
Some were really great - I still believe they have the potential to become excellent stories or poems or movies.
And some... well, I think it's best if I leave them unmentioned.

So I tried counting each one of these written works-in-progress, and I lost track of it all somewhere at... oh, I'm gonna ballpark it at about 137 or so, spread out across nine composition/spiral notebooks.
Granted, I should've kept count somewhere, but I didn't, and I'm too lazy to recount.

In all this time, one of those 137+ projects could have been finished long before now... and I probably would've had a bit more pride and self-respect.
But as a man who has yet to follow through with any one of those written, undisclosed desires... well, here we are. *shrugs*

All this self-reflection is a dangerous thing for one person to handle by themselves. When the wrong kind of person (read: "the kind that thinks too much") gets this on his/her plate... it can do some damage.
But I'm doing what I can to just look at this all with stride... to not let it affect me and force me to realize how much of my life I've spent shooting the breeze and not pursuing the completion of at least one of these tiny pieces of work.

I got it. I think I'll start on something next week. A poem, a short story - something - and then I'll post it up here for the world to see.

Until then, I'll just keep posting each day like I've been doing so far. See y'all later.

1 comment:

  1. Oy, Josh! This is a test comment to see if anyone can anonymously post a comment!

    I mean, you wanted to make this blog public (even though you announced it in private).

    So yeah. If you can see this, then ANYONE can comment. Lovely, isn't it, chap?

    - Josh
