Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'll Type Up a Blog... AND POST IT!!!

To those who've never read any of my blogs before:
Since you're here this must mean you know of my... well, let's go ahead and call it "eccentricity."
Anyway, each post title (usually) had a cryptic, double-spoken meaning behind it, and I'd take this space to summarize the post's contents and explain the meaning.

But this one? Hehehe... I don't think an explanation's necessary.

Current Music:
Marco V - "Godd (f. Lesley Hendriks)"
Pretty aggressive trance piece (oxymoronic, ain't it?) here. Now, the fun part is that every gamer I know of that knows a bit of World of Warcraft-based humor (which is every gamer, really) actually KNOWS this song... and they don't know it.
Confused? I'd be, too, but ask me.

Raffi - "Bananaphone"
Seeing as how this blog seems to be heavy on the silly side, I figured I could listen to something fun(ny).
This kids' song definitely works. =D

Sugar Ray - "Someday"
Speaking of silly, this mellow song works in increasing the silly factor.
I know - "...HOW, exactly?"
Well, picture the zombie apocalypse - a real-life Day of the Dead scenario or something.
Now, while imagining both the relentless slaughter of the living or the heroic annihilation of the undead, plaster "Someday" as background music to each scenario. (Better yet: if you have the song, play it.)
Bet you couldn't picture either scene without breaking out into some sort of laughter, right?

Yoshihisa Hirano and Hideki Taniuchi - "Low of Solipsism"
Death Note Original Soundtrack
From what I heard of the album, it's pretty good.
I'll be honest, anime fans - I have yet to watch Death Note, but I think I just might sometime soon...

"In dangerous testing environments, the Enrichment Center promises to always provide useful advice. For instance: the floor here will kill you; try to avoid it."
       - GLaDOS

Deadpan, malevolent, and deceitful... I think that's plenty to describe Portal's cake-mentioning* antagonist.
I remember when I heard her say this the first time, I had to stop playing for a few seconds - I found it quite funny.

And then as I fell on the floor and watched it kill me, I remembered... she was right. Nerts.

* = Yes, unfortunately... the cake's still a lie.

So, in conjunction with how silly this blog has already started (as if the silly title, the silly songs, and the silly quote weren't enough of clues), I'd like to take the time to remind you that this is a blog of my life.

Which just so happens to reflect my overall mood from the day in general (or the part before I typed this post up).

Which just so happens to be on a positive note.

Which is weird, because I'm usually not like this.

Which is also scary, because I tend to get a bit... surrealistic.

Anyway, after a weird 1400-2200 shift I came home, realizing I had two off-days to spend shooting the breeze. Already have some plans made (friends visited me while I was working), and then some.

But for some reason, I'm craving sushi. Honest to God, I haven't had a good sushi fix in months. And as a confirmed sushiholic, I think I'm jonesing for some pretty bad.
I think I hear some salmon calling for my name already...

Oh, and breakfast, too... that's sounding REAL good now... no, no, a breakfast BUFFET! Yeah.

Seriously, though... sushi is starting to make my mouth water... I could use some, and I think I should go get some either tomorrow or Thursday with some friends.

And I haven't hung out with friends in a long time, either. More recently I've been more of a shut-in following the "food --> work --> games (usually WoW) --> sleep --> repeat" cycle, and it's got me in a bit of a rut.

I like breaking ruts.

And this pseudo-surreal blog broke the whole "95% serious" aspect of this blog, didn't it?
I'll leave you to judge.

Until mañana, everyone!

(P.S.: Don't judge me on the random gaps. Normally I have things uniformly spaced out, but... I think my HTML's off. Hrm...)

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