Saturday, January 1, 2011


Hello, everyone. I suppose there are a few questions that I should answer before we begin.

Questions such as "Why am I reading this?" or "Who is this pompous, haughty, self-righteous fool with a seemingly zealous name and title for a blog?"
(Or more importantly: "Can I go back to my regularly-scheduled life and stop reading?")

Rest assured, friends: the answers are coming relatively soon.
And by soon, I mean the next set of sentences. (I'd say paragraph, but technically my blogs don't follow standard layouts of English prose... but, uh... I digress.)

To answer the first question: you were probably bored, and by some stroke of luck, fate or what-have-you, you ended up here.
Or you could know me in real life and were given this link (through myself or another person) to sate your curiosity and/or have me stop yapping about it.

The second question will be answered after I am done dealing with the third question.

As for the answer for the third question? NO.
Well, technically, yes, you can... but if you end up reading this, then my "NO" would have been made valid by your actions. Hehehe.


Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you welcome to my blog. My name is Josh Blanco. I have had many nicknames bestowed upon me throughout my life so far, but the most prominent would be "Whitey," which stems from a high school hazing attempt centering upon my last name.

I am just an unfortunately-ordinary 21-year-old... person... trying to find their way in this world.
Now, I say "person" because I have no idea as to how to go about defining myself.
I've always wanted to be the important hero; some of my friends have labeled me as a misguided martyr-of-sorts; my actions have the knack of making me look like a fool going nowhere.

In essence: I don't know who I am. Maybe that's why I'm writing this whole spiel.

I've been a fan of writing since I was in middle school. Back then I took the anvil and hammer that were my computer and word processor and forge written works - poems, scripts, elaborate storylines, characters of... character (for lack of a better word) - but I was too much of a coward to express myself. In high school I caught on to the whole social networking scene and decided to use websites such as Xanga, MySpace and Facebook as an online journal to chronicle my daily life.
It was a twofer - I got to document my life, and I gave myself a chance to practice my writing skills.

I would have to say that that activity hit its stride sometime around my senior year of high school.
Since then I've tapered off on the whole "posting a blog" thing and eventually I stopped posting.

They say that one gets rusty after a period of inactivity, and I think I'm at that stage.

So, why did I start up a blog again? And to those that have known me for a while, why did I start fresh, on another website and on a brand-new e-mail address?

There's a few responses I can use, but I'll leave it simple and answer that first question.

About a week before New Year's Eve 2010 I read one of my old blogs on Facebook. In it, I wrote down a rather long list of New Year's Resolutions that I wanted to do.
I achieved less than a fourth of that list.
It got me thinking about resolutions and how I kept breaking all of mine - not just because of the improbability of it all, but also because I made some of them almost impossible to attain.

So it got me thinking... maybe I should start small; work on a resolution that requires not so much effort.
After a few minutes I came up with the idea that I should post a blog on a daily basis.

Now, that's not to say I'm going to outright abandon this after December 31 comes around, nor does it mean I'm quitting my old social networking sites' blogs.

So, I figured I would start fresh...

And that brings us to now... and I think I'm done with this introductory post. I thank you (whoever you are) for reading, and I certainly hope you will continue to do so.

Until the next blog...

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