Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not a Morning Meal Advertisement

Current Music:
Saki Kabata - "Lonely Rolling Star"
Katamari Fortissimo Damacy
Oddly enough, the Katamari series' music seems like a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to timed tasks - from missions in-game to typing a blog entry with as little time as possible, it does the trick.
Plus, it seems... calming. As if something wasn't breathing down your neck, watching as you finish your task - or else.

Every once in a while I wake up with an urge to cook myself breakfast. The need starts small when I wake up, and as I'm slowly getting started with my day, the idea of a home-cooked, hearty first meal of the day sounds enticing enough that it's worth slaving over the stove for.

And usually, whenever I have a decently delectable dish like that... the day has its ways of being more tolerable.

So far, today's one of those days.
Woke up and stared at my laptop, trying to figure out what to do before -
*phone rings*
Oh. Got called in to work early. It's a double-edged sword, but eh - money's needed, and since it's one of the things that makes the world go 'round*... yeah.

* = Yeah, I know. It's not money. Actually, it's not just money. But we'll save opinionated beliefs of the world for a later post, m'kay?

So I got out the frying pan and made me a hearty brunch (I say brunch because it was about 1300 when I started cooking.) - eggs, ham, and re-fried rice (remember the abnormally large batch I made on Monday?)

Now I have the energy to get myself propelled through the course of the evening. Such a shame it's going to be exerted at work... but that's how life works, right? Disappointment all around?

Not if you have a solid meal fueling you for when you need it, though.

Which brings us to the conclusion and (more importantly,) today's "lesson:"

Eat breakfast. You won't regret it.

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