Friday, August 9, 2013

Legitimate Shaping

While I've spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with a storyline for my tabletop campaign, it just occurred to me that I should come up with a logical explanation for some of the things that exist in the game universe.

When confronted with a question that seems to break the "logic" behind a universe's physics and technology, the average dungeon master will (attempt to) handwave some crappy excuse and try to make it canon. In a few cases, the players will buy it, but the more meticulous and/or clever ones will find a way to turn their query into a (legal) loophole of sorts. This can either end badly (i.e.: time that could've been spent playing the game is wasted on arguing) or end in a worse manner (i.e.: verbal wars that end years-long friendships).

Of course, I'm not an average dungeon master(-to-be) - I'm a beginner dungeon master. There's a few things here and there that I feel need some kind of justification. I'm not just going to half-ass an answer and say something stupid like "That's just how it works, okay?" No - I feel like I'm better than that. So now my mission for the rest of the night is as thus: create a few believable (read: "not likely to sound like arguable bullshit") reasons as to why my game's world is the way it is.

This sounds like a fun mini-project in itself. I'm wondering what I'll be able to come up with - and how believable it is.

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