Thursday, February 28, 2013


Whew... getting myself back into gear is much, much tougher than I anticipated. I know some of you are thinking along the lines of "How could posting a bunch of words on here be so frakking difficult to do, Josh? It's not! I could probably do all this in my sleep!"

You're right. It's not difficult. The mind makes it difficult. But while it looks as though I'm not actually trying, I actually am. Thing is, I'm working on tomorrow's entry - and it's going to be much more fun than this one.
Evolution - You're doing it wrong, Cyndaquil. *laughs*
(Image made by "BirdychuArt" and found on deviantArt.)
So, while you wait for this "fun" entry, here's a picture of something cute. Enjoy it. =P

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