The Tags Guide

(or: what all those tags in "Things I Talk About a Lot" mean)
Version 3.0
Last Updated:
Friday, September 07, 2012

On the right side of my blog, there's a section under the archives labeled "Things I Talk About a Lot" that lists the many (primary) tags I've used to help sort my blog entries out so people who want to search for something interesting may be aided in their search. It helps keep these posts organized and also allows my readers to quickly discern if the entry is worth reading for them (at least in regards to whatever they're looking for). Plus, it helps me out as well - by reading the title alone I usually can't tell what I'm talking about.

Some tags will be listed twice as a sub-tag, meaning its parent tag will also be present on the entry. For instance, if I were to talk about Fullmetal Alchemist enough on this blog, an entry focusing on the character development of Edward Elric will be tagged with both "anime" and "Fullmetal Alchemist." In this regard, all "parent" tags out here will contain a list of its subordinate topics (and links to it as well).

Of course, I can be confusing with these tags (or my explanations), so to alleviate that, I composed this handy little page to help you figure out if clicking that tag will net you the right entries to roll through. The rest of this page should be self-explanatory. I hope this helps you out!

All tags are listed in a sort-of alphanumerical order (meaning symbols and numbers first, followed by the alphabet). Any tag that I deem as a "sub-topic" will be listed under their parent topic.

These are (some of) my 1000 Blank White Cards!
Let me show you them!
1000 Blank White Cards

1000 Blank White Cards is a rather ridiculous game. Introduced to me by an old high school friend a few years ago, this seemingly simple card game turned out to be the most insane source of entertainment I'd seen in ages. The gist of it goes a little something like this:
  1. You make your own cards with your own rules.
  2. Each player follows Step 1 to the point where they can contribute a set amount into a deck.
  3. Shuffle the deck and play by one of the following methods:
    • deal the cards out and on each player's turn, have them play a card on someone
    • deal some of the cards out and leave a deck to draw from whenever they play a card
    • draw a card on each player's turn
  4. Follow instructions on the card played during the turn.
  5. Repeat until all cards have been played.
  6. Chaos and hilarity ensue.
As can be seen, this can cause confusion amongst the players (even the vets). Nobody cares, because it's all fun. But that's the point, anyway - to let your imagination run wild and totally have a good time.

Now, I've always wondered what this would be like as a drinking game...

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"Kagami Says" would be a cuuuuute newspaper column.
(Image made by "MyCalamity-sixx6sixx" and found on DeviantArt.)
I'm no expert on the many (mis)fortunes of life - while it's true that I've experienced my fair share of eye-opening events, I can't say that I've experienced all of the ones the world has to offer. However, that doesn't mean I can sit idly by when someone is in some kind of psychoemotional peril.[1] When it matters - and more importantly, when I can make some kind of (significant) impact - I do what I can to contribute in the "care" factor.

Obviously, (most of) the "advice" I give here isn't tailored specifically for any one single person, nor does it delve into any intimately personal matters. Rather, it'll be words that help out a fellow artist or subtly suggest something to a friend of mine who I know that reads this blog. It's up to the advice-taker on whether or not they'll follow it.

^ I advise you to click this link to go back to the Tags List. ^

DRADIS contact! Multiple errors, bearing 347, carom 183!

This tag covers two things:
  1. updates
  2. mistakes
For the former, perhaps there's a bit of information that I was missing at the time, or I had something planned but lacked the time to upload it on the entry. That, or I decided to add on a significant amount of things on the entry. It happens - you just can't plan life (or your brain) to cooperate with you one hundred percent of the time. In that case, I'll report the update and tack on whatever it was that needed to be tacked on.

As for the latter... well, everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. (If you don't believe me, then I'm just going to go ahead and assume you're a liar.) Anyway, mistakes happen in the world of writing all the time. Sometimes it's a typo that makes your count seem waaaaaay off. Other times you misspell a name. And sometimes, your error can spell some kind of doom for someone else, whether it be libel or worse: an incorrect recipe. Whenever I catch a glaring error (and I mean glaring), I will rectify it as soon as possible. The last thing I want to publish on this blog is inaccurate information.

Either way, if an entry suddenly get an "ALERT" tag slapped on, check it - near the top of the entry, the Alert will be on it followed by me addressing the issue. At least I look back to make sure things look good and operate smoothly...

Kinda takes me back to my copy editing days back in my high school newspaper. We had our fair share of errors and retractions, so this is my way of doing the same.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Can you identify them all?

Anything with an "anime" tag will focus on some facet of Japanese animation. From talking about a certain series to character discussion to advertising something that's adorable or awesome, anything involving anime will have this tag. As time progresses, certain series will end up receiving their own personal tag should I end up discussing that series in a number of entries. Such examples (as of the last update of this page) include:
Click any one of the above series to be taken to its tag description.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"I have an annoucenment: I am drunk!"
(The above quote was NOT made by Commander Adama.)

Sometimes I have the urge to say something to y'all. Every once in a while these urges manifest themselves into these announcements that I slap on to an entry.

Now, what do these announcements cover, you ask? Here's a list of potential things I've announced on here so far that count:
  • site updates
  • major design changes
  • major page updates
  • new projects
  • a life-changing moment
  • that day where I get something awesome
It might be something important. It might not. Regardless, it's something I thought was important to mention at the time, so as such, the entry gets this tag slapped on.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Tsuyoshi Nonaka drawing Starscream at PMX 2011!

Art is everywhere. It is all around us - even now, in this very web page. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. But unlike The Matrix, it is not the wool that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.[2]

When a post is tagged like this, I'm delving somewhere in the entire world of artistry and not just my typical area of expertise (namely, writing). I'm a fan of art of all kinds, and so are most artists out there. If I end up talking about anything artistic - musical composition, a famous poem, a friend's photography or even the "Mona Lisa" - it's more than likely going to have this tag on it.

^ Back to The Matrix the Tags List ^

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.
Avatar: The Last Airbender

In 2005, Nickelodeon began playing a rather unique show that seemed to be out of left field (when you consider what was playing on the network at the time, it kind of was). A fictional, Asian-esque world swept up in war - where people skilled in psychokinetic martial arts designed to "bend" the four elements fought to defend their homes or conquer new lands? It sounded weird, but when Avatar: The Last Airbender played its pilot and subsequent episodes, the ratings proved it to be one of the best animated programs on television.

I watched the show during high school, and it was during this time that I became a devoted fan. I was intrigued by everything the show had to offer - from the diverse characters and the storylines to the rich and lush scenery (well, the scenery that wasn't scorched by the Fire Nation, at least).

As such, expect all posts with this tag to reference either Avatar: The Last Airbender or the sequel Avatar: The Legend of Korra.

"Flameo, hotman!"

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Lords of Kobol, hear our prayers...
Battlestar Galactica

The 2004 reimagined series Battlestar Galactica brought with it many new things. Described by Time as "a gripping sci-fi allegory of the war on terror," the military science fiction-slash-space opera series received much critical acclaim. Though the series ended in 2009 (with an ending that some people claim could've been composed better by hyperactive monkeys), it has left an impression in the people that have the opportunity to watch it.

Sadly, I have to admit that I'm only a recent fan. I was first exposed to the show back in the second half of September 2011 after some friends who loved the show and somehow thought I watched it found out that I didn't. Ever since then, I've been hooked. The story, the characters, the music... oh, maaaan, it made me wonder just where the frak I was when the show was airing. Nevertheless, it has made its own personal impression on me, and I'm proud to have watched this amazing show.

"So say we all!"

^ Back to the Tags List ^

This was not made by Pinkie Pie.

This one should be a no-brainer for everyone. Any and all entries with the "birthday" tag will feature somebody's birthday (and more often than not, it'll be my birthday)! Yaaaaaaaaaay~! If you're not feeling festive enough, then sing a "happy birthday" song. Preferably that one by the Arrogant Worms. Hehehe.

Cake optional (but required if you don't want it to be a lie).

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Now that is one heck of a personal library.

It's been said (mostly by me) that Americans as a whole don't read. Sure: we all have at least one bookworm in our friend lists, but if you were to put them all in a coliseum and then fill an adjacent coliseum with every other person... well, you'd see a vastly different number count.

As such, I want to advertise right now that I'm not a bookworm. I'm personally more of a visual-kinesthetic learner - meaning that while I can learn and/or enjoy something by simply looking at something, it's usually more potent if I'm able to get all hands-on with the subject in question. That, coupled with my pseudo-ADHD[3], builds up to equal about maybe five minutes' worth of time before I set the book down and become occupied with something else.

Of course, that's not to say that I don't enjoy books - when I'm focused on a book that I want to read, I'll probably read through a major chunk of it. And when I do talk about said book on this here blog, then the "book" tag will show up.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"If the king doesn't lead, how can he
expect his subordinates to follow?"

Ah, chess. One of the oldest strategy games in existence, this simple game has intrigued many a player into mastering the methodology and warfare of this eight-by-eight battlefield. I'm no grandmaster, but I am pretty skilled when compared to most of my friends. When presented with an opportunity to play against someone at my relative skill level, I'll definitely take it.

All posts tagged with "chess" will deal with any and all tactics, game analyses, any games I have going on against my friends and random strangers, and so on.

^ 23...Bxa6+!! Back to the Tags List ^

Computers - one of my earliest loves.

I have a nice laptop. And I like computers. Every once in a while blue moon and a half, I like showing something off. Sometimes I'll show off its ever-changing backgrounds. Sometimes a friend will tell me some really cool shortcut or tip that improves my electronic experience. When I get in that mood, expect to see this tag on the entry.

Of course, there's not much out there for this tag just yet (as of WED 05 SEP 2012, there are only two entries) - expect more as life continues.

^ if "clickvalue"=yes then "goback"~tagslist ^

While I don't look as sexy as Asuka Langley Sohryu,
I can certainly cook better than she can.

I'm a bit of a food connoisseur, and whenever I have the free time, money and a vacated kitchen, it often leads to me whipping up some crazy culinary concoction. Anyone with an imagination and food-based dreams has an inner chef inside them, wanting to take the wheel and cook something scrumptious, and when I end up living those dreams on the stove, the "cooking" tag will show up.

Posts involving this tag will either showcase my cooking skills or some (crazy) culinary technique I learned and wanted to share. Don't worry - I'm a pretty good cook, so you won't get sick with anything I make for you. Pay attention to posts with this tag if you want to see my fun aspirations of live attempts at being a chef de cuisine.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

RED Team is awesome.

The art of cosplay is something that I've always loved since I discovered it. With my inner roleplayer, it would only be inevitable that I would want to get an outfit from one of my favorite shows/movies/games, dress up as a character from said show/movie/game (or a generic soldier or whatever), and then have fun playing the part of someone from that respective universe.

As a cosplayer-to-be, I think it's important that I inform you readers about my dreams of dressing up as someone from some anime/comic/movie/show/video game. These posts do just that, and they're usually accompanied with some kind of picture(s) to use as reference!

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"I gave him more than a raven can hunt for in the night!"
cryptic metaphor

I'm known for possessing a hyperactive imagination. Mind you, we're not talking about "six-year-olds playing the 'I Win' game" or "elven archer armed with a Nerf bow acting as the sheriff of a western-style space colony" kind of imagination... no, we're talking about the "realm of the creative genius who can even make your run-of-the-mill root canal entertaining (somewhat)" kind. Such kinds of minds are usually the most predictable in the sense that you will barely make any sense out of its varied creations. Sometimes, even the owner of an hyperactive imagination can't make any sense of his/her thoughts. When this happens, it can be a bit concerning - particularly when dealing with thought-provoking issues. When it happens to me, I end up mulling over all of it for hours on end.

Of course, once in a while I get brave random psychotic crazy enough to post an abridged version of these random thoughts. I do my best to organize the whole spiel and filter out anything unnecessary, but sometimes it'll still look jumbled. While you go stare at it and wonder if you're going to have a brain aneurysm after you're done, I'll stare at it and just tilt my head in confusion as I attempt to make more sense out of it.

Maybe I should see a psychiatrist? Nah; did that as a child already. *shrugs*

^ Back to That Place Where You Once Were Mere Moments Ago ^

Some relatives and I at Knott's Berry Farm (summer 2011).

Just as the tag implies, any entry featuring this tag will usually have something involving my biological family members. And more often than not, that'll mean my extended family, seeing as how I'm closer to them than my immediate family.

That might sound weird, but trust me when I say it's not. Everyone's got their own definition of "family," and mine happens to be a tad different than yours (unless you hail from a pretty messed up childhood like myself).

^ Back to the Tags List ^

They think that's bad? They have no idea.

One of the things I delved into during my high school years was the concept and art of fanfiction. To the uneducated, fanfiction is essentially a story written by average joes (like you and me) involving already-existing characters.

I've written my fair share of fanfiction over the course of time (though I've only uploaded less than a handful of it), and it's been fun. It's a nice creative outlet, and many people have done the same thing.

As such, if you see this tag, expect one of two things:
  • I'm showing a snippet of my (unfinished) fanfiction work.
  • I'm talking about fanfiction in general.

^ "Back to the Tags List!" the Master Chief yelled. ^

The recruitable cast of Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem

The fantasy-based strategy RPG game series known as Fire Emblem was an obscure one. Launched as a Japanese-exclusive franchise back in 1990, it never crossed the Pacific en masse until after 2001, when two of the series' protagonists (Marth and Roy) were featured in Super Smash Bros. Melee. After their popularity surged from their inclusion, Nintendo allowed the game series to be localized and marketed in America and Europe.

As a fan of strategy games, I was quite impressed with how the games worked. Loads and loads of characters, an intricate battle system that I quickly learned to appreciate, and the interesting fact that death was permanent for each character? Whoa. Very intriguing.

It's quite a fun series, and if you're a bit of a strategist, give it a shot.

^ Back to the "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to the Tags List ^

Revolver Ocelot apparently lost his cool.
flash vent

These entries were marked as such because good portions of the entry in question (if not all of it) have unfiltered, raw emotion in it. Generally speaking, I was either feeling headed and outraged at something or very melancholic over a not-so-happy (brooding) session. While this means I'll be telling my all in a "live" fashion, it's usually not a pretty thing to read.

Some of my friends read these entries and post some kind of response to try to cheer me up, but most usually avoid these entries like a maggot burger with bubonic plague and flies on the side... or rotten, moldy pizza that causes the stealthiest of amphibians to mourn its loss. As a testament to make sure I don't lose (many) readers, I decided to mark these entries with this tag in an attempt to forewarn them of the unadulterated rage and/or emotion they're about to set their eyes on.

^ Back to the black Hell from whence you spawned, demon whelp the Tags List ^

Look at all that tasty food!

Whereas my "cooking" tag dealt with personal cooking endeavors, culinary techniques, and other similar things, "food" deals with anything that focuses on food in general.

I might refer to a recipe I'm wanting to try out. I might be talking about Epic Meal Time. I might be talking about my latest trip to the nearest Five Guys and the burger combination I tried out[4]. Hell, I might just be showing you a picture of the most epic deep-fried Twinkie I've ever seen.

Regardless, all food-based entries or entries with a gazillion pictures of food (or entries discussing food in a significant amount of space) will possess this tag.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Just some of my friends and I relaxing.

I like people, and I like talking about them sometimes. Sometimes, these people turn out to be people I've befriended for some reason. And no matter what, they're sure to provide a good time (or at the very least, the basis for a good story).

On the entries where this tag shows up, it'll be quite apparent that I feature my friends somehow. Whether it's me talking about some silly trip to Little Tokyo or just showcasing something they did, it's going to involve them in some way.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future."

All entries with the "future" tag deal with the future in some way. For some posts, it'll handle things with future plans. For others, it'll be oaths I'm enacting on myself to make sure my life is better in the future. On some others, there's other reasons that I've yet to figure out.

But rest assured: this tag will be quite interesting to look at when I'm actually in the future. Until then, it'll be Future Josh's problem to make sure the future things promised happen.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Oh, my Gods; they sunk the Pegasus!

Not all the games I play involve a controller or computer. Some games exist out there that don't require that kind of thing - and those have existed longer than video games have.

From board games to tabletop role-playing games... from card games to live-action running-based games... if I'm talking about some kind of game, then expect to see this tag on the entry.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

If only hacking looked this ridiculous...
Hijacked Entry

Every once in a while my friends have this urge to be a guest writer in this site. And once in a blue moon, I "let" them. Now, by "let" I mean "involuntarily grant them control over posting the blog entry." So far I've been knocked unconscious each time[5], and when I come to, I encounter something rather silly waiting to be published. I read it all and ask myself, "What the hell?" When this happens, I put the "Hijacked Entry" tag on to warn my readers that - apart from the author notes - I had nothing to do with the text inside the entry.

Be warned - if you see this anywhere, there's a chance that my friends tampered with something nearby. Or worse: I got lazy and forced someone to write an entry for me.

^ Josh is a frakking n00b Back to POOP the Tags List ^

Just follow these instructions and you're home-free.

As one of my aspirations growing up was to be a teacher, I ended up trying to do that in life. I helped newbies in (online) games, became a Team Trainer at Target, tutored kids back in middle school, and at one point even attempted to make a FAQ for GameFAQs[6].

As of right now, the whole "becoming a teacher" thing isn't really turning out well (what, with the American government undercutting the education budget time and time again and the rise of college tuition diminishing the hopes of the not-so-rich), but the desire to help people learn is still there within me, wanting to aid the new and the eager.

When a how-to shows up here, I'll do what I can to make it simple to understand and follow along with, but I know that sometimes I'll get too in-depth and/or jargon-heavy, so apologies in advance if I do so.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

I should get this emergency case one day...
In Case of Emergency

(Author's Note: This description may look familiar - if you have read "Maybe Love Is..." then you'll recognize this part.)

Before I started this entire blog, I went through some of my old work - posts on past blogs I liked, old papers I wrote (of which only a few were actually for school), poems and scripts I composed over the years. Of these, I grabbed what I believed to be the cream of the crop and copied them into a folder that I labeled "In Case of Emergency" - only to be used when I've spent a considerable amount of time staring at the same screen because I honestly could not compose anything to slap on here. (Can't say "writer's block" or else I'll get slapped.)

As I make things or encounter things I find interesting on the Internet, I'll be throwing more and more of my favorites into this folder. When I have nothing to say (or when I just can't think of anything to place on here for the day), expect me to throw something from the folder on here.

If anything, this helps break the boredom those "crappy two-liner posts" bring. It also beats not posting anything, too.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Awh; look how adorkable I look!
Josh's Past

There are a few entries on here that will talk about stories and events from my personal past. Now, I'm not the kind of person who will lie and said that my childhood and teenage years were completely happy. But at the same time, it wasn't all that bad.

Some times, I'll be talking about some silly anecdotal story that involves something stupid I did. Other times, I'll be writing something more downcast and will reference another part of my life. And then there's those moments where I for some unholy reason decide to show some embarrassing picture of me.

Regardless of whatever shows up, if it involves my own personal past history, then expect this tag to appear.

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"Allie's Devils" posing for an action pose.

The famed building block toys have a very special place in my eternally-young heart. I've been a fan of the things ever since I was little, and to this day I play with the awesome toys every once in a while. What started off as me taking the world of Star Wars in my hand became a sophisticated world of my own, with characters fighting for their homelands and others getting swirled into a war that wasn't theirs.

As of the present, I've created (and are still creating) a customized force of my own, complete with modified vehicles and unique ones of my own personal creation. Once in a blue moon, I end up meeting with friends who want to play with my collection, and we make a day experience out of it and have fun.

I love the toys to death. I know my future children will be playing with them as Lego toys promote creative growth and stimulate the imagination. It's a good thing I have so many in my collection. =D

^ Back to the Tags List ^

I like my life how I like my sushi:
varied with flavor, delicious, and not that expensive!

Just a general analysis on my life up to that date. It may be melancholic... it may be blissful... but it's all truth. A sort-of vent... with or without the emotion.

Besides, a blog is supposed to reveal various tidbits of the writer's life - especially the personal blogs that writers like me use as a makeshift online journal/diary.

That's what this blog is - an online journal that I publish for the world to see. Why I do that, I don't know... but yeah, I enjoy it. And I'm sure you enjoy getting a daily dosage of future blackmail fun words, don't you?

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Daisy drifting through SNES Mario Circuit 2.
Mario Kart

Ah, the classic and competitive game series that is Nintendo's Mario Kart. Pretty much the ultimate in casual racing games, the franchise is among my favorite video games ever.

If you're looking to find how high my skill level and passion for this game are for the series, I can tell you in four five words: MARIO KART IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I religiously practice my racing chops on Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 on a weekly basis. It's gotten to the point where there's less than a handful's worth of people I know who can match my skill. This isn't me just bragging - I honestly don't know more than five people who can wipe the floor with me (98% of the time, it's the other way around).

All I'm saying is that if you practice well enough, you will one day get to whup my ass. (Maybe.)

Oh, and if you're wondering who I race as: my response is a loud "HI, I'M DAISY!"

^ Back to the "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to Last Place with you! *hurls a Blue Shell* ^

"A weapon with the ability to launch a nuclear attack from
any place on the face of the earth... a nuclear-equipped
walking battle tank."
Metal Gear

One of my all-time favorite video game franchises out there, the Metal Gear (Solid) series focuses on a world where bipedal, nuclear-capable machines of war known as "Metal Gears" threaten the world and the heroes sent to stop them from being deployed.

Whether it be a philosophical analysis on one of the myriad of messages the games have left upon the (video game) community, gameplay tactics on how to evade those pesky clearing teams in Sons of Liberty, bragging rights about owning a copy of some limited-edition action figure, an in-depth look at the soundtrack, or even a theory on why ignorant fanboys hate Raiden so much[7], it if involves the famed tactical espionage action franchise, it's got this tag on it.

^ Back to the "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to Shadow Moses the Tags List ^

Achievement unlocked!

The tenth entry. The hundredth. The thousandth. The halfway point of a year where I promised that I'd post every day of said year. The entry that skyrockets me into the spotlight. The one featuring a life-changing event in my life. The first featuring a recurring writer (should I choose to induct someone as a staff member). Whatever the reason, I've gone all Library of Congress on the entry and deemed it as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" for this blog's history. As such, it should be specially marked, and the "milestone" tag does just that.

In a way, it's a nice thing to look at - it's almost like watching my blog mature and evolve as time passes. A freeze frame diorama of (my) life, if you will. So, if I think it's important to the history of this blog, it'll possess this tag.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

What's in your mind today?
mind stream

There are some days where I'm feeling uninspired or concerned with what to write. "I wanted to talk about this, but I don't have the time to go in-depth as I'd like to." "Nopony's going to read this because it sounds fake." "I don't know what I could talk about today!" Thoughts like those (along with some others) will continue to harass me on those days.

And on some of those "some days," I decide to throw caution to the wind and type down every single thing that crosses my mind at that moment. When that happens, this "mind stream" tag will show up. I took this idea from an old writing exercise one of my teachers gave to us once. We had to write down exactly what was going on in our minds.

If you're an artist (or a writer), try that one day when you're bored and/or lacking inspiration. Something's bound to show up sooner or later.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

That's a lot of newspapers.

Let's face it: we all love pictures. They have this magical ability to turn a wall of text into something pretty awesome to read. And while reading a wall of text is fun to some people, there are others out there whose intellectual skills are that of a sixth-grader (meaning they can't read anything without pictures).

While there are plenty of days where I slap pictures on my entries, there will be a few days where I get so picture-slapping happy that I post a frak-ton on the entry in question. When that occurs, the "montage" tag will be there to inform y'all that this one's going to contain a flurry of images.

There's no real set number requirement - I just feel that if an entry's picture-to-words ratio is leaning high towards the pictures, then it needs this tag.

^ Back to that Wordy Montage Up Above ^

That's essentially how one works.
It's still funny regardless.
motivationally speaking

Everyone knows what a motivational poster is. Likewise, everyone should know what a demotivational poster is. While the former can be sometimes inspirational, the latter is downright hilarious. I love those things to death (there's a dedicated folder in my picture library just for demotivationals).

Now, once in a while there will be a day where I just don't feel like posting anything. This isn't like one of those "In Case of Emergency" posts where I decide to pull a pre-made document of some kind and show it off. No, this is even worse. It's a "leave me alone; I'm [insert any not-happy mood here (most likely something to do with apathy or lethargy)]" kind of day where 99.9% of me says "frak it" to this blog and makes me not want to post anything.

So, I browse my demotivational folder and find the first thing that makes me smirk. Once I find it, I post it and call it a day.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
the vocal range of Freddie Mercury.

A "good" entry in this blog (as defined by me) will usually incorporate my pre-blog structuring - the introduction that explains the entry's title and summarizes what's inside, what I'm currently listening to, reading or watching, and some kind of quote that oftentimes links up with something I'm discussing that day.

Every once in a while, though, I start going crazy about the music I'm listening to. I'm a music connoisseur, and I happen to enjoy just about anything. I tell people that when I pay attention to a movie/show/game, I look for two things:
  1. the story, and
  2. the music.
While the former is quite important, the latter helps draw us in. With the right notes and instruments, any monumental moment in the media in question can become even more memorable if the right music is used.

As such, when an entry either incorporates a lengthy and/or explorative "Current Music" section or the entry's meat focuses on aural entertainment, the "music" tag will show up. I have a myriad of musical tastes, so I'm sure that with all the tagged entries with music, there's a little something for everyone.

^ *singsong* Back to the Taaaaaaaags Liiiiiist~! ^

Thalia, Greek Muse of comedy.
(painted by Jean-Marc Nattier)
musing out

I've mentioned before that I have an overactive imagination. This imagination is quite responsible for many, many things. But before we continue on that, I need to explain something.

In common English language parlance, the word "muse" refers to a person who inspires an artist. Now, while an artist may have an actual muse (or several), there are those of us who have imaginary ones. (This applies more so to anyone whose imagination is like mine.)

Now, I have a few muses myself. Some are real, but most are fictitious. There is one muse in particular that ranks higher amongst the others. I'd introduce her (yes, she's a woman), but I don't really have a name for her. All I know is that she's helped me out of a few writing binds and gotten me to write a few entries.

It might sound crazy, but most artists will understand where I'm coming from.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic

Yeah, that's right. You're reading this tag correctly. I'm a brony. And I'm proud of it.

I'm pretty sure Lauren Faust and Hasbro had no idea that the Internet community would suddenly become fans of what was originally a girls' show. However, the reasons behind so many people outside of the target demographic liking My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic included great writing, themes that both children and adults could appreciate, and the Flash-style of animation.

Yeah, nopony saw this coming.

Anyway, any entry with a substantial amount of pony-centric things will feature this tag (and will therefore become 20% cooler).

^ Back to the Tags List ^

And to think they started out as a card company...

Of course, the blog of a gamer would not be complete without some major reference to at least one video game company. And usually, that one specific company will be a company associated with that gamer's childhood.

For me, that company would be Nintendo. As I grew up with the NES, the N64, GameCube and what not, it would seem I'm obviously a Nintendo fanboy, but don't take this to mean that I'll automatically hate on anything else out there.

If I'm dealing with things for any of Nintendo's (current) consoles, talking about why you should get the newest console, mentioning some game Nintendo announced, or just going fanboy on y'all, expect this tag to show up.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart
master and he made me this collar so that I may talk!"
non sequitur

Latin for "it does not follow," all entries marked "non sequitur" generally deal with fast-paced topic switching. Generally, the entry harbors no overall theme but instead has multiple topics that usually have nothing to do with each other. Often included is an absurd quote of some kind and/or music that may or may not be appropriate to listen to when the zombie apocalypse occurs.

Those of you with ADHD or some kind of attention disorder may have lots of fun with these entries, because it matches what your brain sounds like. I think it also matches my brain, too.[8] After all, it's weird... but at the same time, it's fun, just like me! =D

I mean, just look at that squirrel behind you! *points behind you*

^ Back to That One List - "CAN WE HAVE CLASS OUTSIDE?" ^

Fittingly enough, this picture is not mine, either.

This tag will label entries where a substantial amount of the words or images are not mine. I might put up a speech, a paper, some lengthy anecdote that I'm writing an equally-lengthy response to. And when that happens, I do what I can to make sure proper credit is given.

So when you see this tag, expect someone else's work on the entry, and expect said work to be taking a substantial amount of space. But don't worry - I don't steal.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

I couldn't think of an appropriate picture for this one.
Operation: DREAM EATER

In the summer of 2011, I was engaged in a personal campaign that I called "Operation: DREAM EATER." From June 1 to September 23, I attempted to complete 11 various tasks. This was an attempt to see if I have bettered myself in any way whatsoever (as well as get 11 things done over the summer). Needless to say: I failed, but I surprisingly didn't beat myself over the head with it.

All entries marked with this tag feature descriptions or progress status updates for "Operation: DREAM EATER." For the complete list of the 11 tasks in question (and an explanation for each task), read this entry here.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

"My opinion is right and yours is wrong!"
- every American ever

Hoo, boy. This might cause a flame war.

When an entry is marked as having "opinions," it means that the primary topic being discussed in said entry has an accompanying discussion/rant/thesis from yours truly embedded somewhere on the page. While most of my opinions are general knowledge[9] and probably don't need to be delved into excruciating detail, I'll let you know if I do talk about it.

Besides, my musings and beliefs just might spark a response from you. I'd like that - it'd be fun to debate with someone. Now, when this happens, I just hope that we can be civil about it. It's never fun when a peaceful discussion degrades into something worse than barbarism.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

The crossroads of Asian pop culture.
Pacific Media Expo

One of my favorite conventions of all time, Pacific Media Expo (PMX) deals with the entertainment world of the Pacific Rim. There's other things that come from that area aside from Japanese animation, and I always urge people to learn more about the world this way.

Posts marked "Pacific Media Expo" will advertise-slash-feature things from the young-but-good convention - whether it be posting pictures from the event, announcing key events, features, guests of honor or the dates of the con (Veterans' Day weekend every year), or just plain discussing the ins and outs.

As a Security staff member, it gives me great pride and pleasure to talk about PMX. If you have any inquires, don't be afraid to ask!

^ Back to the Tags List ^


Some of you may be wondering why I have this tag when there's a "Josh's Past" tag already. There's a reason for this.

"Josh's Past" entries deal with my personal life. As for "past," it deals with past works I've made, past things I've said, and other nuances from before the present that have nothing to do with my personal life.

Yeah. That's it in a nutshell, really.

^ Back to the PAAAAAAAST! ^

"I keep looking for some mistake - some sign - some clue
as to why these terrible things are happening, but everytime
I get close to an answer,
it slips away. It's maddening."

There are many topics I attempt to delve into unwittingly only to catch myself and say something on the lines of "remind me to talk about it later." Oftentimes these topics have some sort of significance, while others simply exist for the sole purpose of entertainment. Once in a blue moon, I'll look back at all my blogs and find all of these topics I said I'd "eventually" get to typing about... but never did.

When this happens, I compile them into a list and throw them up on the Internet for me and the world to look at. Much like the Pensieves of the Harry Potter world, they offer some insight to my mind and the memories associated with what brought up those topics and why I said I'd talk about it later.

Unfortunately for me and my supposed-ADHD, my Pensieve posts will probably contain a lot of backlogged topics... but oh, well. If I get inspired, I just might talk about it!

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Looks like Yu Narukami just landed a crit!

Atlus' famed Persona series is a rather unique group of games. Combining your traditional Japanese role-playing game with elements of social simulation games and dating sim games, the series has me wondering just how I keep my own life in balance.

As of the creation of this version of "The Tabs Guide," I've only played one game in the series to date: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4. Does that stop me from enjoying the other games' stories or music? No.

Besides, it's notoriously difficult if you don't know what you're doing. Atlus gets off on our tears. (Run a search on that link if you don't believe me.)

^ Back to "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to the Tags List ^

No, seriously. Is it possible?

Systematic and rational. That's what philosophy is.

Given enough research, anything and everything can be philosophical. Is it moral for us to spend billions of dollars on weapons so we can find a humane way to kill someone else? Is right for six people to control the world without us knowing? How can eating only jelly-filled donuts for breakfast on a daily basis be enlightening?

See? Anything can become thought-provoking if you ask the right questions the right way.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Say "fuzzy pickles!"

This is honestly a no-brainer right here. If you honestly need an explanation as to why this tag exists, then get out. I don't deal with people whose IQs are lower than dirt.

All posts marked with this tag have some kind of picture(s) in it! Yay for visuals!
Note that not all of the images I slap on an entry may be mine. I will usually put an accompanying disclaimer if they aren't.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

They call me Sokka
that is, in the Water Tribe
I am not an oaf

While written prose may or may not have its own tag here, my "poetry" tag serves to announce some kind of poetry to you, the reader. All these posts will most likely have a poem on it (said poem is most likely written by me) or deal with the art of poetry in some way. Originally, any haiku I composed had their own tags, but as the broad term of poetry covers haiku, I melded them into this tag. (I don't need a sub-subsection - writing => poetry is enough.)

This link will take you
upwards and into the top
but not to Heaven.

The original 151. Can you name them all?

If you didn't realize already, I was a die-hard Pokémon fan back when I was younger (in my generation there was always one ("eccentric") kid in high school that still played the games - I was that kid). I still am in a way - though I don't play as much anymore, I'm still known as the resident Pokémon expert amongst all my friends. As such, I'm called upon when an expert is needed in this field.

Any entry with the "Pokémon" tag deals with the famed Nintendo franchise in some way (though more often than not, it'll deal with the video game series). While I haven't delved much into the franchise in a while, I still love it with all my heart.

^ Tags List, I choose you! ^

Vote for President Ackerman if you want to live.

The times sometime dictate me to deal with the world's intergalactic space politics boring-ass bureaucratic policies against my will. When this happens, the "politics" tag will be slapped on.

Consider this a special tag - I'm practically apathetic when it comes to politics and government-based crap. However, when an issue pops up that actually ruffles my feathers and forces me to cut through the red tape, I'll do it with gusto.

^ Vote for the Tags List! ^


Often accompanied with any "Hijacked Entry" posts, the "Poop" tag serves nothing more than to alert my readers that my blog was once again "hijacked." That, and it kind of highlights which of my friends was responsible for the the hijacked entry in question. (I honestly don't know what's the fascination behind that word...)


^ POOP ^

This is what I look like when I'm hard at work.

Some times, I get inspired to work on something interesting that's more long-term than my occasional "get this guy to Level 80" objective.

When that happens and I decide to talk about it on my blog, the entry will possess this "projects" tag. By seeing this, you can expect either an introduction, a progress update, or a statement saying that I either completed it or failed to do so.

Regardless, most of my projects are (somewhat) interesting. From silly papers to ridiculous objectives to get a second six-tab bank vault, who knows?

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Now if only I could answer y'all like Strong Bad...
reader response

People occasionally comment on here. I like that - it shows that people read this blog! At the same time, however, they ask me a few things, and for the most part, it sounds as though I just ignore them.

I came up with this tag after I wanted to prove that I listen to my readers (at least the ones who comment here). If you see an entry marked as a "reader response," then I'm responding to one of you! Yay for audience participation!

^ Back to the Tags List ^

This is an actual book from World of Warcraft.

Chefs and culinary artists alike know that sometimes their creations are so good, they just have to share. Barring any greedy punks that won't, most will make some kind of effort to get it published - be it an internationally-renowned cookbook, some (crazy) (online) cooking show (I'm looking at you, Epic Meal Time) or even a simple online blog (like mine!).

Obviously, any and all posts involving this tag will have some sort of personally-made recipe I slapped on the Internet for y'all to try and enjoy. Granted, most are pretty simple and what not, but it's the heart and thought put into the cooking that counts.

As of Thursday, September 6, 2012, I have four recipes:
If you're interested in one of these and you have the time, cook it and let me know what you think! If you like, it: cool! If not: that's okay, too!

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Some of us feel like this.

Personal blogs are a nice place to vent about things that make your blood boil. Serial killers, raised taxes, the DMV, your job... you name it, you can probably rant about it.

For me, I have a love-hate relationship with my current job in retail. Don't get me wrong - I'm a good worker, and I understand how the policies of the retail world operate. There are some days where I'm the pigeon, and then there are some days where I'm the windshield.

Posts regarding my oh-so-wonderful job (or posts regarding the average retail policies or what not) will have this tag on it. Keep in mind that while I might have something to say, it does not equate to something that [whatever company I'm working for at the present time] would believe in. I speak for myself - not the company.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw shows us how a review works.

There comes a time where I decide I want to showcase something that I thought was really, really cool. It could be a video game that turned out to be better than I anticipated. It could be some restaurant that nabbed my attention with an amazing dish. It could be some place I vacationed and wanted to share my interest in going back with people.

Naturally, there's a right way of doing this, and a wrong way. The wrong way is to format the thing so that it looks so unprofessional and so impersonal that it ends up driving people away from the reviewed object in question - not because the review says it sucks, but because reading/watching/hearing the review was worse than an atonal movie score made with shrieking violins and that sound of fingernails going across a chalkboard.

So, what's the "right way," then? Truth be told, there is no set right way - just a way that not only draws in people to read/watch/listen to the review, but also does it in a manner that they appreciate. While some will go the professional route, I'll do my reviews in a personal, concise manner. And hopefully, they get people to follow my suggestions.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Chariselle's attempt at role-playing an Alliance soldier.

Roleplaying is a pretty fun experience. Spending time playing the part of someone who you're not... to live out the life of someone else and to respond to things how they would respond.

Back in the days where my friends and I played a good amount of tabletop RPGs, we had lots of fun acting our characters out. We've had legendary stories between each of our campaigns. Some of the more memorable ones include:
  • me almost succumbing to rabies after an encounter with rabid squirrels
  • one of my friends (who was the group's money-maker) spending all of our funds on upgrading an all-purpose sniper rifle
  • two of my other friends risking life and limb for a couch they found in a dank and booby-trapped dungeon
  • said friends postpoing our quest so they could attempt to sell said couch
  • me (playing a woman) almost getting sexually assaulted after my clothes caught on fire
This roleplaying continued when some of us got together to play World of Warcraft. We had a lot of fun, but then life happened. It's been a long while since I've done any roleplaying, but I'm here to say that I'm gonna try my best to be good at it again. And who knows? Y'all might get to hear these silly exploits or even look at the characters I roleplay as!

^ Back to the Tags List ^

The rose of Tuxedo Kamen brings both love and pain.

I don't like to admit it, but I'm a hopeless romantic. Once in a while I'll have (day)dreams about falling in love with a woman, getting married and having a family. Yeah, I know - nothing hotter than a guy planning out a future that is ever so unclear, but a guy can dream.

When I do post anything related to matters of the heart, they'll be labelled with this tag. Expect something between melancholia and mushiness, because that's what lovelorn people like me end up typing up on our (online) journals.

^ I <3 Tags List ^

I'm pretty sure this matches your look right now.
Sailor Moon

Everyone has a guilty pleasure (or six) that they enjoy. Some gorge out on chocolate. Others read erotic fan fiction stories with no plot whatsoever. A few of you probably attempt to Irish step dance in private whenever Riverdance music plays on your computer.

For me, one of my guilty pleasures would be the Japanese anime series Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - known in the English-speaking world simply as Sailor Moon. My generation grew up being exposed to Cartoon Network's Toonami block, and the prime shows on each afternoon of visual awesomeness consisted of this anime, Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing. At the time, Sailor Moon aired right before DBZ did, and my cousins' family lived with my family. Since my cousins were both girls, it was obvious what would be on the television at roughly 1600. While Sailor Moon played, I would ignore the magical girl series and do my homework, (im)patiently waiting for Dragon Ball Z to begin.

Of course, that was then. This is now. One day at work I was talking with one of my co-workers/friends while we were zoning. We had gotten to the subject of television shows we adored during our childhoods and she brought up Sailor Moon. After a seemingly one-sided conversation, something popped up...

(Author's Note: I don't recall exactly how the conversation went. I assume it went something like this...)

=== FLASHBACK: Sometime in 2010 ===
FRIEND: *after about a minute or two of talking* ...but I have to say that Serena is my favorite of all the Sailor Scouts. Tuxedo Mask was pretty cool, though - a lot better than that "Moonlight Ninja" or whatever.
JOSH: Don't you mean the "Moonlight Knight?" That Arabian-garbed dude in white?
FRIEND: *astonished* YEAH! Him! H-How'd you know that?
JOSH: *somewhat surprised with himself* ...I don't know.
FRIEND: *shrugs* Well, anyway, he wasn't as cool as Tuxedo Mask, though.
JOSH: The Moonlight Knight and Tuxedo Mask are the same person, actually. There was a point where Tuxedo Mask was physically out of comission, but his subconsciousness wanted to protect Sailor Moon. Thus, the Moonlight Knight.

Cue about ten seconds of staring shock and silence.

JOSH [cont'd]: ...w-what?
FRIEND: exactly do you know all of that?
JOSH: *flabbergasted* I dunno. Maybe my subconscious picked the series up while I was waiting for Dragon Ball Z or something... *shrugs*

As a result, my adult self somehow found itself wanting to watch the magical girl series. As of today I've been watching it, and surprisingly I've found myself enjoying it. I've even decided to cosplay as Tuxedo Mask one of these days!

  1. I like Sailor Moon. I can say that calmly and willingly without embarrassment.
  2. No, you cannot take away my man card for this. EVER.
  3. Sailor Mercury for the win. =D
Yeah. Just keep moving on.

^ Back to "Anime" List ^
^ In the name of the Tags List, I will punish you! ^


This tag's description is silly!

No, seriously. It is. I mean, how else do you describe something that's so nonsensical and random? "Silly" seems to be the only word that makes sense.

Nothing makes sense. And so does everything. But sometimes, it's just so silly (or silly enough) that it's funny!

As such, if a post has this tag, expect to laugh at my silliness or whatever I have to say, because more likely than not some shade of hilarity was going through my mind when I was typing the entry up.

^ Back to Where Things Make Sense ^

"Nicole Kidman is a ghost, and Rosebud is the sled!"
(comic from xkcd)

Hoo, boy. Spoilers. They're not fun.

My personal philosophy is that I don't give out spoilers. I don't like hearing them, either, so I'll do my best to get out of the room or not listen to you if you say something.

Normally, whenever I place spoilers on this blog, I do what I can to hide them. Usually, the spoilers will be cast behind a set of black bars so they're covered up (like this). That way, I don't feel guilty if I place something up.

Of course, there are some days where the topic I'm discussing involves me giving a spoiler up. When that happens, brace yourself.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

May the Force be with you.
Star Wars

Ah, Star Wars. One of the big series that started up every nerd's sci-fi fantasies.

Since its introduction to the world in 1977, the space opera franchise has garnered $4.49 billion USD and has spawned numerous novels, comics, games, and toys. Nowadays, the movies, the characters, the story, the locations, and the quotes have become such a common occurrence that it wouldn't make sense for people to not have seen it. (I only accept two excuses as "legitimate reasons to not see Star Wars: they're a die-hard Star Trek fan, or they're from North Korea.)

Well, I don't think I need to explain this tag any more than necessary.

^ Back to the Dark Side ^

Somepony separate these two before they break the fourth wall...

Once upon a time, there was a blogger by the name of Josh Blanco who created a "storytime" tag for his personal blog.

Sometimes, it's an actual story that happened word-for-word. Other times, the truth's been stretched pretty far, but it still retains a bit of honesty within the words. And then there are those times where the story is fictitious - but sometimes, you can't tell if it's really a lie or truth.

Regardless of the validity of the story he told, it was something that warranted this brand-new tag. Now he lives his days in peace, knowing that people can figure out when a story is about to be told in the entry for today.

The end.

^ And then I said, "Tags List? Are you CRAZY!?!?!?" ^

"Question two... Robin: do you think you can score
a hotter guy than Ted?"

Everyone who reads this probably has had some kind of account on a social networking site somewhere - be it Xanga, MySpace, Google+, or Facebook.

As such, everyone's run across someone who just spent the last thirty minutes filling out some random survey-thing out of boredom. They answered the most ridiculous of questions and for some reason, a little bit of you wanted to take the survey, clean out their answers, and place yours down.

I used to do that. Now I don't, because I can post the surveys on my blog now! So when you see this, expect a survey!

^ 47: Do you want to go back to the Tags List? ^

The main cast of Tales of the Abyss.
Tales of the Abyss

The eighth installment in Namco's famed Tales series of role-playing games, Tales of the Abyss was released in 2005 in Japan and 2006 across the world.

I'll be honest - up until 2012, I had never touched a Tales game. (Hell, I'm not much of an RPG player.) I'm more of the casual, action-oriented person, and thus it's hard for me to sit down and get involved with a role-playing game. However, at the behest of one of my friends (who's a die-hard Tales fan), I got the 3DS remake of Tales of the Abyss.

From what I've played so far, I've enjoyed it. Yay! As can be figured, anything with this tag will feature Tales of the Abyss.

^ Back to "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to Auldrant the Tags List ^

And a single tear was shed that day.

Throwing aside the whole debate between "real men can cry" and "real men don't cry," it's not a fun experience. While crying can be caused by various things (ranging from proposals to death to cutting up onions), it's usually most associated by something that makes one sad. Or really happy after finding out about a noble human for the first time.

I don't have many of those moments. However, if I'm certain that an entry I write might induce a crying spell, I'll warn you with this tag.

^ Back to... ...back to the Tags List... *sniffle* ^

Tricia Helfer naked on Battlestar Galactica?
I think I have to watch the show now!
Top Ten

Everyone's got their favorite things.

Some of us decide that we've had enough with deciding on things, so we rate things in order of how much we like or hate things. From food to television to music to silly reasons... anything is fair game when someone is rating things on a scale.

And that holds true with me. When you see this, you should expect a lengthy entry with cool things getting rated.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Editing videos? Not fun.

Every once in a while I'll be discussing something where I think to myself, "Josh, while a picture would be a great accompaniment to this topic, I remembered this cool/funny video on YouTube that would be so much better than a lame ol' picture!"

Then I respond back with: "Awesome! Let's watch it to make sure it is!"

And then I embed the video on my blog entry and call it a day. That's what this tag's for.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Unpacking an old PlayStation 2 is such a good feeling.
video games

As I'm an avid gamer, it would only seem fitting for a few loads of entries here to feature things related to video games. However, if a game (series) has garnered enough reputation with me to be exalted a favorite, then it won't be marked under this tag - it'll get its own (the Metal Gear series and World of Warcraft are a few examples).

In other words, all entries with decent video game coverage of some kind that has yet to earn its own tag will be marked with the "video games" tag. That, or it'll be something regarding the video game industry.

For more information on the "big" ones in this blog, see:

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Oh, man... I miss doing this sort of thing.

Video blogs (or "vlogs" for short) are exactly as they sound. They're a blog of some kind placed in a video format.

The advantage is that videos are so much more entertaining (especially to Americans) since all you have to do is watch a mini-movie.

The disadvantage is that it takes so much godsdamn work to produce one!

While I could talk about vlogs, when this tag is used, it'll be referring to my own.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Li of Extra Ordinary shows us how random comics can be.

The joys of web-based comics! From game-based ones to random silly ones to ones based in a fantasy land, there's plenty of flavors to choose from!

I once had dreams of making a webcomic, but I figured that not only would it take too much time to make one, but it also isn't my forte.

When I discover a new webcomic or just plain feel like referencing one as a focal point in a topic, expect this tag.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Reporting to you live!
White Knight Live

Once in a while I'll be somewhere away from my laptop doing something that ends up consuming my time (be it a positive experience or otherwise). Sometime in the middle of it all I end up remembering one of two things:
  • I have yet to post an entry for that day and the clock's relatively close to midnight, or
  • I forsee that I won't have the time or energy later on to post something.
I then hop on the nearest electronic device that can log onto Blogger (e.g.: a friend's computer or my cell phone), whip up a (quick) ditty and post it to the world to prove that I didn't miss my deadline. The tag's not the only indicator of a "White Knight Live" post - I'll also throw my location in the title and include a quick blurb on what I'm doing.

^ Back to the Tags List ^

Me (as Chariselle) tanking the Mimiron fight in Ulduar.
World of Warcraft

Some posts here deal with the famed Blizzard Entertainment MMORPG World of Warcraft in some way. All those entries will possess the "World of Warcraft" tag. Whether I'm discussing patch changes, my game history, one of my character's latest role-playing outfits or other random (silly) things, the tag serves as a warning of sorts to any of my readers who don't feel like watching me prattle on about this game.


^ Back to "Video Games" List ^
^ Back to Azeroth! ^

If I've learned anything about writing, it's this:
Death Notes do not make good Christmas presents.
(Just ask SpongeBob.)

As a writer I generally want my work to be shown off to the world. It's a nuance, a curse - but also, it's a poetic method of getting yourself out there. Any post with a "writing" tag will either delve into one of the many projects I have sitting in the backburners, a project I'm currently working on, a finished project, or the concept of writing in general.

^ Back to the Tags List ^


1 ^ [advice] ...yeaaaah, I'm not able to help someone on a physical level. That sorta thing: not my strong suit. I'll admit it at least - takes more guts than not to, really.

2 ^ [art] "I'm trying to free your mind... but I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it." Hehehe. Go, Morpheus.

3 ^ [books] I'm calling it "pseudo-ADHD" until I get a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist to say otherwise. I haven't gotten myself mentally checked in a while.

4 ^ [food] Favoritest combination for a Five Guys burger so far: double bacon cheeseburger with mayo, lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard and A1 sauce. Subject to change if something better is discovered.

5 ^ [Hijacked Entry] I say this to look dramatic. In reality I just do something else while I watch them type up my entry for me. It's a rather funny process, because I'll let them post just about anything they wanna type up.

6 ^ [how-to] The guide I attempted to make was a how-to on Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and evading enemy sentries during a room clearing. One day in my high school years I got bored enough to start a game on Extreme difficulty and thought to myself, "What if I were to get caught on purpose and run and hide from these bastards?" So with the stealth camouflage at the ready, I analyzed the sentries' search patterns as they swept the area they last saw me in, taking notes as to what they do and how far they'll go to flush me out. To this day I still have the incomplete guide on my laptop.

7 ^ [Metal Gear] Raiden is actually pretty awesome. I was one of the few people who liked him initially when Sons of Liberty came out. To this day I can't really see why people wouldn't want to play as him and see Solid Snake from another person's perspective.

8 ^ [non sequitur] "They said I had 'A-D-' ...something - CAN WE HAVE CLASS OUTSIDE?"

9 ^ [opinions] *salutes* General Knowledge! ...what? If you watch How I Met Your Mother, then you'll know the joke I'm referring to.

Done reading this page? Head back to the top and click something else! =D