Showing posts with label Announcements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Announcements. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four Digits

I don't know about you, but this particular day holds a slight amount of significance for me.

Wait for it... wait for it...
The cloudy sky this morning slowly gave way to the shining sun. (Slowly.) Despite the sunny optimism, it wasn't that bright out. I had a scheduled shift at work today during a busy lunch rush. It left me tired and broke (it's not yet pay day) and unwilling to do anything. I was running out of ideas for projects to construct in Minecraft. (And now I don't know what to do with all the spare rails I've made.) All that just makes me feel spent.

From that last paragraph, I've made it sound as if Thursday, September 26, 2013 is just another one of those blah days, and it certainly is beginning to look as such, isn't it?

That's where you'd be wrong. Today's a great day, and I'm going to prove it to you with a surprise revelation that only revealed itself to me a week prior to today. "And this surprise is," you ask?

This is the 1,000th entry on this blog.


So, how to celebrate? As can be seen here, it's not really that big of a deal to me (even though it kinda is). While I'm proud to have gone this far in my personal blog, this is just that - a personal blog. Now, if I had been doing this on some other kind of blog (say, for instance, a food blog), then that would be considered a higher accomplishment.

Regardless, I'm happy to have made it. While I have this up here as a sort-of motivator to do something with myself, the real reason I have this up is so I can look back and see what my life was like, and because some of my friends read this. I don't usually say it, but I appreciate whenever I get a view. Every time I do, it makes me feel a little giddy, knowing that someone took the time (willingly or otherwise) to look into my life. Thanks, readers. *smiles*

As a treat to myself, I'm going to take the rest of the day off. I'll get myself resumed and on schedule tomorrow. (Hopefully.) Happy 1,000! Let's see if I can get to 2,000!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Patch 2013.02.27JDB

Today started with a blank page.

This is what I had planned for today's entry. As you can see, that didn't happen.
Well, that's how most stories start, don't they? An empty space waiting for someone to pour their words onto - a sheet of paper or a white screen waiting for the writer to give it life. I stared at my laptop screen as it booted up, wondering what I was going to do for my personal blog today. I had a few ideas, and so after I logged in, I got on the Internet.

Originally, I logged on my blog in an attempt to begin work on that "promise" I made two days ago. However, as I began typing things out, the willpower to do so practically vanished soon afterwards. Dismayed, I almost gave up - but then I remembered something: I wanted to work on revitalizing my blogging spirit (and in doing so, my writing spirit would be revived as well). I've had enough with dragging my fingers through the keyboard and posting things that I'm ashamed to call "entries."

Of course, when the willpower vanished, it took with it the access keys to my creativity. Or to put it another way: I had no idea what to write. So instead, I decided to look at my blog, hoping I could find something to recall my inspiration. Long story short: I didn't find anything (considering how the majority of the first 57 days of the year composed of those "entries," this isn't surprising).

However, I did find that things on my blog were in severe need of updates. Headers and side notes that were last updated at the 2011/2012 block. Incomplete pages that so desperately yearned to be finished. Lists that were as outdated as the Oscars. So, I set to work on that, figuring that the look of any personal diary is just as important as its contents.

The changes are subtle, but observant readers will be able to catch them. I think I did okay.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Start of the Unknown

I took a break from work earlier today, and I saw something that I haven't really seen in ages: the sunset.

This wasn't taken today, but you know what? I don't care; it's a sunset. Y'all best be happy.
As the dusk approached me, I realized that I was at work. I realized a lot of things:
  • There is only one more month between us and the apocalypse 2013.
  • I haven't posted anything good here in a while.
  • I should watch things I haven't watched before.
So, let's see what I need to do this December... this last month of what has turned out to be an interesting year. Let's see what needs to be done before all of mankind 2012 ends for us...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Super 805 Brothers

I don't know what it is or how it came up, but for some strange reason, I feel like being a complete and utter asshole today.

The dry-witted readers out there are probably scoffing in amusement and asking: "But Josh... aren't you always an asshole?" Yes, I am. Ask my friends; they'll probably confirm that with either some kind of joking verbal jab at me or relate some anecdote of a moment where I was truly evil.

And yes - for those of you thinking "What kind of hairbrained fools out there like you, Josh?": I have quite a few moments where I'm sweet as a rose, and when the joking's set aside, most people will say that I'm an all-around nice fellow. (I hope.) I just have my moments where I feel like being a complete jerkass.

I have these moments every once in a while and they're always followed up by some measure of hilarity (or someone who got a kick out of it). They come up randomly and can strike at any time:
  • me playing the part of "that asshole on the 101" in someone's commute
  • stealthily retaliating against a guest I encounter at work who was being a dick first (laser-guided karma, really)
  • taking weeks to respond to somepony on Facebook
  • ignoring bastards who try to summon you via methods normally reserved for dogs
...and that's just the tip of the iceberg. So if you value your thin-skinned liver and want nothing more than to hear nice things, then...

If anyone's watched 1000 Ways to Die, then this might bring back a few nightmares...
...there's the door.

Of course, if there's anyone out there who realized how much I'm just playing with everypony here, then please... keep reading!

Friday, September 7, 2012

And It's Up!

FINALLY. Now I can sleep. Enjoy the new "The Tags Guide," everypony!

Let me know what you think or if you found any errors!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Long Update (1 of 2)

This HTML editing is quite tedious, but it's going to be worth it. "The Tags Guide" page has really improved in terms of content and how it looks.

Ignore the fact that Starbuck's there. I wasn't getting distracted at all today. Nooo...
Seriously. It looked all boring and bland before...

So much better, really.
...and now it's not.

Expect it back up by 'morrow's end!

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Film Reel

The more loyal fans will probably have noted that most of my entries have been posted rather late. Most times, that's due to me procrastinating on it and not working on typing anything up until the very last minute, panicking with each keystroke I make. Now, while it could be said that today's entry being late was due to this, I do have my reasons - and for once, they're actually legit (as opposed to the many other times they're not...?)

If I ever get the money and time, I'm switching to Sony Vegas.
For now, Windows Movie Maker will have to do...
I've suddenly been inspired to make a video blog entry. (SAY WHAT!?)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Thirty Thousand Trial - Round Two

So I said I had an announcement for y'all today, right? Well, I, uhm... I have some bad news for ya'. There's... there's nothing new for me to tell you about. The announcement that I had for you today was a lie. I'm really sorry. You should just stop reading...

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Productive Record in Life

"He's targeting us!"
It's a new month! You know what that means? It means it's time to step in gear and get something moving! Time to read! Time... to... RIGHT-CLICK CHARGE!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Postponed to Saturday

So there's going to be some fun things to see on here soon. However, I have things to do today (yaaaaay, friends!) and as such, I know for a fact that I won't be able to have them up and ready by tonight.

So instead, I'm just here to say before I go that you should expect some stuff up... on Saturday.

Take care, everyone. I'll see y'all later.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Designer Switcheroo

Some of you might have walked into this blog of mine today and said to yourself, "Hey, is it just me, or does something seem... different?

Indeed, things have been changing. I went from some lame-looking site (not really) with only one boring column of things to look at on the side...

AFTER some other lame-looking site (not really) that was bigger and cooler-looking with two columns - one on each side.

As for the poor chums out there still using something as lame as a 1024x768 resolution, they're just going to have to suck it up. There's even a disclaimer now in the header that advises people to view this site in a better resolution (I recommend any resolution that's at least 1200 pixels wide.

Just thought I'd let y'all know that you aren't hallucinating these changes.

Now if you'll excuse me, I got more site editing to do and more of The IT Crowd to watch. Later, all!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Punched In Late

For the first time in what could possibly be "forever," I woke up late today. By that, I mean I woke up past my maximum allotted threshold of 1030. I woke up at 1230ish.

That moment when you die and realize you left the boss with, like, 2HP left.
I totally blame my 3DS and all the entertainment it offers me. =D

Suffice to say: you won't be getting a good quality entry today - that's going to be reserved for tomorrow. I'd post more, but I have work today. So, like I said, you'll see something cool tomorrow. Or Tuesday, but I'd rather it be tomorrow. Okay, I got my mind set. It's tomorrow.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Eve of Eves

New Year's Eve looms upon us. As this entry makes its way through the Internet and solidifies Post 364, I'd like to say a few things.

For one, I'm gonna be busy and stuck at work for the next few days. No, I don't mean I'm going to be at work until God-knows-when - I mean that most of my waking hours that aren't spent preparing for the day or playing something awesome on my 3DS will be used up at work, because I like to earn money.

Which leads to the second point I'd like to talk to you about: the highly probably chance that the next great entry will either be on January 2 or 3, 2012.

Why so late, you ask? Well, obviously work is an issue. There's also a lot of things I want to talk about (and I mean a lot), and to prep for a big entry like I'm planning requires some prior editing of the content's HTML that extends the typing session to more than just a few hours. That, or I just had so much to type that it took me more than two sit-down sessions in front of my laptop to pull it off.

"All this has happened before, and will happen again." Much like the credo heard in Battlestar Galactica, I've taken my time with some entries that I think were pretty epic in their own rights. And since I like dedicating time to craft a good entry, it's going to happen again - and not just with that upcoming entry that's going to show up next year.

Which means that y'all best be prepared for something awesome. It's probably going to be long and chock-full of content, and I'm pretty sure there's also going to be pictures as well.

Just thought I'd let you know in case you're wondering what's in store for the next few days.

In other news, I think I had a 24 Hour Flu or something. Sore body's gone; only trace of me being sick is a not-so-raw throat and a very light stuffy nose.

Stupid off-day sickness. =(

Until the 'morrow, everyone.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hateful Friday Love


Namie Amuro - "Baby Don't Cry"

For those of you who don't know who Namie Amuro is (which is just about all of you), she is a famous Japanese R&B and pop singer widely hailed as the "Queen of Japanese Pop." With a career spanning nearly two decades, Amuro has certainly earned a legendary reputation as a long-lasting idol.

As I began to wonder what to relax to when I was typing today's entry, WinAmp cycled through some of her music. I figured, "Eh, why not?" and scoped through her discography. Play was her first album that I was exposed to, so it only made sense that I pick something from it.

So I promised you something decent, eh? Well, if you look up at the top of the page, you might notice an old page is back - "The Hate List." I took it down earlier this month for the whole "renovation" project I was doing, and I just finished going over that page.

Now when you look at it, you'll notice some features that weren't there before:
  • Pictures!
  • Improved navigation and links (for you lazy chums)!
  • More things to hate! (25 things on the list now.)
  • Humor!
Trust me when I say: You'll enjoy it. You'll get some laughs out of it. Plus, you might learn something about me as well. Isn't that a win-win?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

List of Dreams

Gooood afternoon, everyone! Welcome to a special Sunday edition of The White Knight Chronicles, where we're going to have some major fun today! (At least I hope it's fun.)

So what're you waiting for? Read on!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Because Biographies are AWESOME

"It's a feature of our age that if you write a work of fiction, everyone assumes that the people and events in it are disguised biography. But if you write your biography, it's equally assumed you're lying your head off."
- Margaret Atwood

I found this quote particularly amusing because not only is it true, but it applies to an update I've made on this oh-so-(not-)humble blog of mine.

I finished updating my biography page!

Yeah! Now you can look and take a gander at exactly how much lying I did on that page!

The other pages will be coming back online in due time, but for now they're still in the construction yard undergoing maintenance. Patience, friends. My 100% totally true biography will sate your desires and hold you over until the next update occurs.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday Announcement of Renovation

*double takes* WHAAT!?
Yeap. Sokka's sign... er, painting... is correct.

After spending some time looking over some of the stuff I have on this (not-so-) humble blog of mine, I figured I could make do with some cosmetic changes. While I am happy with how the blog looks at this moment (this simple design template works fine, really), there's some things on here that I need to get fixed - mostly because it looks aghast in my eyes.

Just as a note of forewarning: the changes you'll see here are not going to be overly dramatic. I'm not changing the colors and text to screw with any of you or anything, nor am I going to make this simple online journal of sorts extremely difficult to navigate. There's just a bit of things here and there that need repairs... and that's where I'm coming in to fix 'em.

Of course, what am I fixing? Well, I'll leave you to figure it out. The changes will slowly reveal themselves to you if you're curious enough to click around.

Oh, yay - looking through lines of code to make this site as close to perfect as possible.
What a reward this is.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to begin scanning my code. I'll see y'all tomorrow. *starts typing furiously*

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tomorrow Can't Come Soon Enough

Still working on that PMX entry today, but I think you'll be wholly surprised at how much progress I've gotten through. Expect it to show up TOMORROW. That's right, ladies and gentlemen; you'll get to see what exactly happened this past weekend at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton... TOMORROW!

In other news: the fiddler on the roof has shingles. Bye-ni~!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eve of Seven, Strings of Thought

Look into this entry and grasp the obvious - that the eve of seven days' work is approaching, and that three days' work of excitement is about to unfold.

Oh, and notice that this is going to be an awesome entry, too. =P

Bear McCreary - "Roslin and Adama"
Battlestar Galactica

As Battlestar Galactica fits under the genre of "space opera," that means it is allowed to have its own romantic storylines. While there are a decent number of these in the course of the series, there's one that I absolutely adored: the subtle and natural romance between President Laura Roslin and Commander William Adama.

"Roslin and Adama" is the aural representation of their budding relationship (one that seems more obvious to us than to them). Composed in a style akin to a slow waltz, this string-heavy piece with piano backing plucks at the heartstrings whenever it appears. Matter-of-fact, it's so powerful of a leitmotif that Bear McCreary himself "...reserved this theme for only the most powerful, dramatic scenes in their relationship."

Powerful, stringed, and warm despite being slow and almost-melancholic-sounding. You can't really ask for a better combination than that. Unless of course, you're Bear McCreary and decide to make a piano-only version of it.

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries."
- A. A. Milne

Quite true. Maybe that's why I'm always so disorganized, both in a physical and mental sense. I keep bumping into things that grab my attention and get me to think or play.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Sometimes I hate how I could be so busy sometimes. There's that chance that I want to type something big (like I "normally" do, according to my work friends who read my blog), but time constraints prioritize other tasks and activities before the whole typing process. Knowing my luck, it'll be something I want to smack my laptop keyboard keys and construct words for until I'm done opening a vein, but I'll have no time to even consider turning the thing on. As today's one of those busy days for me, I regret to inform you that I once again will be leaving you with naught but a small entry today. *shruggles* Sorry, y'all.

If it's any consolation, I'm going to post something pretty good tomorrow, so yay on that. So, on a lighter note, here's a joke announcement: "The fiddler on the roof has shingles." Ciao.

*skedaddles off*