Monday, May 7, 2012

New Film Reel

The more loyal fans will probably have noted that most of my entries have been posted rather late. Most times, that's due to me procrastinating on it and not working on typing anything up until the very last minute, panicking with each keystroke I make. Now, while it could be said that today's entry being late was due to this, I do have my reasons - and for once, they're actually legit (as opposed to the many other times they're not...?)

If I ever get the money and time, I'm switching to Sony Vegas.
For now, Windows Movie Maker will have to do...
I've suddenly been inspired to make a video blog entry. (SAY WHAT!?)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away back in 2007 I got a camera as a pre-high school graduation present. (It was more of a late Christmas present, but the fact is that it was originally planned for me to get a camera the week before I got out of my high school.) I had been tinkering with many, many things on the computer after getting said camera and had been learning how to make basic movies. Then, I graduated. I needed something to do before I went in to college aside from hanging out with my friends (and realizing that life only goes downhill from there). So I experimented and experimented, and several days later, I created my first video blog (or, as techies, geeks, and "hip" people call 'em: "vlogs").

Christened as "Words of Whitey," I had originally intended it to be a mix between a video diary and comedic docudrama. Also, the name was originally supposed to be a horrible "stab" at World of Warcraft (which at the time was a game that I had no desire of playing - hahahaha... if only I knew what I know now, huh?) I ended up making four vlogs in total over the course of that summer season, and my friends were totally raving on them.

After the fifth one was created, I suddenly stopped. To this day, I can't seem to pinpoint the reason why I halted production (I want to say things like "school" and "life," but we all know how believable those reasons are in context with me...), but I know it took its toll on my creativity. There were ideas and ideas welling up, but there was no drive for me to act on them. So, "Words of Whitey" no longer was a thing for people to enjoy - it was just a bookmark in my life where I decided that vlogging was the way to go.

Then one day (read: two days ago), I came across the old vlogs stored on my external hard drive. While they're going to be on Facebook for all eternity (yay for crappy terms of service, right?), I didn't recall ever storing them on a hard drive myself. So I watched the videos, felt a twinge of nostalgia for making movies (however crappy they were - admit it, they had a cheesy charm to them, did they not?), and... here we are.

To the readers who've known me since high school (or to the readers who apparently checked out everything about me on Facebook), this might be some of the best news they've heard from me in years. The last time I made anything of the sort was back in Halloween of 2007 (do your math - that's at least four-point-five years ago) - and I've been long overdue to upload one on the Internet.

What caused the sudden inspiration? Well, apart from the whole "search through my old archived files" thing I've been doing lately, there was this void of "blah" that wanted to be filled with some kind of activity where I was doing something I liked. I haven't been doing anything entertaining lately (yes, I'll admit it - doing this whole "thousand words per entry" thing drove me to the point where blogging now feels like a chore for the time being) apart from the occasional leveling spree on Persona 4 or improving my time trial records on Mario Kart Wii, and I told myself that this monotony needs to change. (I've gone through this cycle for the Nth time now... you really think I'm going to break through the cycle?)

It could be a welcome surprise to my ol' high school pals who used to watch the short-lived vlog series. I mean, my video-editing abilities have stagnated and are probably going to be the same as what they saw over four years ago, but it'll be a little something to help make their boring days become not-so-boring.

Now, some of you may be reading this and wondering when you should expect a brand-spanking new vlog to show up. To tell the truth: I have no idea when it'll hit the Internet. We know how well I keep my promises on this blog (I try not to make them so I don't have to face the horror of breaking them, but still), and we know how much I've done in terms of productive work or "work." However, since I currently am in the works with a new vlog, I can say with certainty "sometime before the month of May gives out." Now cheer like the (imaginary) fanboys/fangirls you are. C'mon, cheer!

What can you expect on it? Again: I don't know. Guaranteed to show up is me ranting about how my life has been (which, as we all know... hasn't been that memorable yet) and maybe some other things. Maybe some humor will show up; a friend or two will make a cameo; Persona 4 or Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance gameplay may show up; et cetera. Who knows - maybe I'll get inspired by other people and other things that come across my path. Only time will tell, and only I will know... at least until the vlog goes live.

Oh, and speaking of that: it's probably going to get renamed. While "Words of Whitey" still seems (somewhat) original enough, I've rewritten my personality so many times that the new vlog ought to reflect this. So, don't expect it to be filed as "Words of Whitey" much longer - maybe you'll see it as something relating to this blog. Maybe not. We'll have to wait.

So, until the 'morrow, everyone. Sorry for being so late, but thank you for considering that a future project will come up and become awesome.

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